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Illusion In Sentences Example Of Illusion In Sentences How To Use Illusion In Sentences

visibility 486 views calendar_month Nov 4, 2023

- Search your words in sentences - - We are only aware of a tiny part of all the information our brains process, and this means that what we experience is largely an illusion. - The Turk was not a real machine, but a mechanical illusion. - The illusion was helped by the conductor in the orchestra pit who held the next to the last chord. - The skirting board under the window was very low, giving the illusion that the leap was higher than it was. - This motion is probably an optical illusion caused by the relativistic velocity of the jet. - Pareidolia is a special case of clustering illusion. - The design allowed the presenter of the machine to open every door to the public, to keep the illusion. - While viewing, human visual system merges the separate pictures to create the illusion of motion. - An illusion is different from a hallucination; a halucination is sensing something which is not real, but an illusion is interpreting what we sense wrongly. - This is a perceptual illusion which has only recently been discovered. - An optical illusion is one which shows images that differ from normal reality. - An illusion is a distortion of perception. - A Shepard tone is an auditory illusion. - He reveals his illusion powers from his cape in an attempt to wipe out Red Turbo even with the ghosts of Jarmin and Zimba. - Eventually, this turned out to be another illusion to test him. - This is illustrated through various similies such as a dream, an illusion and a mirage. - Another type of optical illusion exploits broken patterns to trick the mind into perceiving symmetries or asymmetries that are not present. - These sessions were the catalyst for Biedermann to forge ahead in the classic Blind Illusion style. - Iris uses her talent of illusion to inflict massive casualties on the Punic horde, who are now marching on Castle Roogna under the command of the Horseman. - There is an illusion that everything reported was observed by the researcher. - During a broadcast, his jackets often clashed with the set and produced a Grid illusion effect in the broadcast image. - Gnostic Christianity developed a duotheistic doctrine based on illusion and enlightenment rather than forgiveness of sin. - Op art is a method of painting concerning the interaction between illusion and picture plane, between understanding and seeing.John Lancaster. - This shape can create the illusion that their heads are longer than usual. - All opera singing is manufactured, and the greatest singers are those who can create the illusion that it is not. - He also denied that their necessity was false and merely an illusion resulting from habit. - The impression from the valley floor that this is a round dome that has lost its northwest half, is just an illusion. - This was an attempt to create an illusion that the volcanic island was erupting. - As the platform ascends vertically it tilts from side to side giving riders the illusion that they will fall out. - In 1991, a black cub was seen with two adults and a normal colour cub at Devasthali, though this sighting was dismissed as an optical illusion. - Here it would appear the one editor was more of an issue than the others, wheras this is infact an illusion caused by selective grouping. - When a person beholds his dead ancestors while he is seated at ease, or lying in his bed, he soon loses his reason, and the spirit which causes this illusion of sensible perception, is called the ancestral spirit. - They interrupt the magic of the performance, break into the illusion and destroy the fantasy. - Operations included both real reconnaissance and demolition at the landing beaches, and feints to create the illusion of landings in other locations. - The impact of the illusion was immense and Selbit became a box office hit. - The illusion of spatial extension through paint, the grandiose theme and the skill of execution could only astonish and impress the visitor. - Simultaneously, the model perceptually underestimates the spatial separation between stimuli, thereby reproducing the cutaneous rabbit illusion and the tau effect. - Jerry thinks that it is a parallel universe, while Max and Julia think it is an optical illusion. - Finally when mental impressions have been exhausted, consciousness snaps its connection with Illusion and perceives the Soul directly. - Another version says he merely attacked the horse in an attempt to knock Alvarado down, having no prior illusion that both man and animal to be one and the same.

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