Pollute In Sentences - Example Of Pollute In Sentences - How To Use Pollute In Sentences
Search your words in sentences https://englishteststore.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20211&Itemid=1131 A competitive market for the right to pollute may allow for an efficient outcome. If not managed sustainably, cattle can cause major soil erosion, trample vegetation, and pollute river systems. When these metals and plastics are place into landfills, they can pollute the air and contaminate some of our drinking water. who pollute every national culture ... Would leeway in user categories pollute the category system beyond what looks to me to be an unwieldy mess already in mainspace categories? This means they must pledge never to damage, pollute or harass any flora or fauna. Persistent and toxic mine chemical leakages pollute waterways and kill animals. Opponents question the jobs claim, say that the mine will harm the environment and pollute local water sources, including sloughs where Bad River tribal members hold traditional rice harvests. Do we really want to pollute that article with failures that never went anywhere? The value of an emissions credit is determined by a national cap in emissions and the degree to which the credit confers a right to pollute. The volcanic matter could also pollute the water, making it unsafe to drink. Secondly, we should try not to pollute the search engine, because that makes it more difficult to research into a topic when writing an article. The request of custody was not motivated by the suspicion of murder, but based on the accusation of attempting to pollute the Narducci investigation. Would the plasticisers escape in the air and pollute the environment? Potential contaminants can take the form of gases, liquids, or solids and may therefore pollute objects, and the individuals caring for them, through airborne delivery or physical contact. They pollute the community and generally make collaborative working on the encyclopedia less likely to happen. Merging it back would pollute the parent article. One pervasive belief is that the evil spirits that supposedly exist at graveyards could harm a fetus; another is that women are simply unclean and would pollute the graveyard. Each division issues permits to regulate industries that pollute in a specific area, like air emissions or wastewater discharges to rivers and streams. To make it more predictable and convenient, the proposal of replacing natural sources by renewables since they do not pollute an environment and are endless is considered by government. The new searchbox also has no need for these redirects, as these only pollute the list of suggestions with redirects pointing to the same article. Overall, this may pollute the class hierarchy. Unfortunately, the plant seems to pollute the Copenhagen River. The Kaniyans pollute the Kalari Panikkans by touch. Although such examples are not meant to explain the complete picture; they actually pollute the mind of the thinker when these analagies are pushed too far. The purpose of the section is to impose criminal liability on those who pollute natural water resources. However, an accumulation of waste in the river from factories along its banks began to pollute the river. Microwaving foods is generally better than conventional stoves or ovens, although burnt foods can obviously pollute the air regardless of the method of cooking. Nitrates and Phosphorus are the two main contaminants that pollute the Mississippi River Watershed. The people who want to pollute the music, talk shit, and infect it with impure intentions. Historically, the economic incentive has been to pollute. Domestic and commercial activities pollute rivers and coastal waters as well. The entire town smells of rotting animal skins, chemicals pollute the water, and clumps of animal fur blow through the streets. These may die in the trap and pollute it, as well as forming, with their wings, a bridge to the exit. I can be very careful with my disposal of motor oil, but it only takes one guy with a big enough drum to pollute a fairly large area. I have no desire to pollute Wikipedia with unwanted links. At the same time, harmful mutations cannot pollute the entire system if they are enclosed by the membrane. The Jains kicked them both out, afraid that the blood will pollute them. However, in the meantime, Canadian municipalities may continue to pollute their waters by dumping sewage. In addition, toxic waste brought from offshore drilling may pollute drinking water. These can fatally harm people and should they be released in the atmosphere, they will pollute the environment.