Criticize In Sentences Example Of Criticize In Sentences How To Use Criticize In Sentences

visibility 13K views calendar_month Dec 6, 2023

Search your words in sentences A site called RationalWiki was created mainly to criticize Conservapedia. Some nutritionists criticize fish and chips, because the meal contains a large amount of fat. Since the George Floyd protests, the term has been used more to criticize the media. However, I would be glad to fix a few more comments anybody puts up, so please feel free to criticize. Many people criticize people in authority, and some even criticize the existence of authority. But thinkers of the Enlightenment started to criticize it, because in their opinion slavery was against human rights. Even though he was a respected general and supported civil rights for African Americans, historians criticize his presidency because he appointed his friends into high political positions and tolerated their corruption. Some criticize its treatment of the people of Taiwan, but others focus on positive political and economic change that it made. Some histories criticize him for not stopping the Iran Contra deal. Despite never being charged, the media continued to criticize Jewell and calling him the suspected bomber. Some people, however, criticize Atticus, saying that he does not use his legal skills to change the racism in his town. She was well known for being an extremely strict teacher who stopped her pupils to criticize every little bit of detail. This gave him a basis to criticize the social values and institutions of the corrupt, confused society he saw around him. They criticize the fact that powerful countries have bigger influence on world culture than others. Ibsen wrote the poem to analyse and criticize the romantic nationalist movement that was present in Norway during that time. After the war, Soviet politicians again began to control and criticize artistic life very hard. Followers of the Austrian school criticize central planning, government price controls and other state regulations. His political cartoons were used to criticize Francisco Franco. Xenophon did not criticize the relationships themselves. Proponents of direct democracy criticize representative democracy due to its inherent structure. The philosophy of art specifically studies how artists imagine, create, and perform works of art, as well as how people use, enjoy, and criticize art. Historically, both patrons and other librarians criticize weeding books. Trotskyists also criticize the bureaucracy that developed in the Soviet Union under Stalin. Political groups, parties, and activists use the Internet extensively to advance their agendas, share news, and criticize other parties. Such disdain may not be restricted to points of grammar; speakers often criticize regional accents and vocabulary as well. To criticize scientific skeptics is to criticize science and the data gathering process itself. She is very protective of her sister Suzanne, even though she is usually the first one to criticize her egocentric statements. The talk was unusual because it violated unofficial policy of not having top officials publicly criticize member nations. Like Luxemburg, she would later criticize Jewish movements for the same reason. Taylor appears in the film as unethical and insensitive to his artists, which caused Gordy and others to criticize the film after its release. It is better to wait a few days to see how a harmless article evolves than to rush to criticize. began to vocally criticize the persecution, the Japanese government realized that it needed to lift the ban in order to attain its interests. The jungle levels were originally to have featured ground fog, but this was abandoned when magazines and the public began to criticize other developers for using fog to hide polygon count. FuelWagon has every right to record his opinion of the truth on his talk pages and his user page, and no one should criticize him for that. On the other side of the fence, detractors of the album criticize its raw production. They may, for instance, criticize an expense that was legally ordered and accounted for, but which was inappropriate with respect to criteria of good financial management. Liebknecht used his position as a Reichstag member to criticize the political situation and opposed the tendencies in his own party toward anarchism on the one hand and accommodation with Bismarck on the other. However, for powder cocaine, often sold by and to white Americans, it would take one hundred times that amount, or 500 grams, for the same sentence, leading many to criticize the law as discriminatory.

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