How to Use Nothing But In Sentences - Examples Of Nothing But In Sentences

visibility 18 views calendar_month May 11, 2024

Search your words in sentences - He shows the crowd that Petrushka is nothing but a puppet filled with straw. - They are particularly fond of petunias and similar pot plants, leaving nothing but a small green circle where the stem once emerged from the soil. - The people want nothing but their due. - The story tells of an Emperor who cares for nothing but new clothes. - This concept was based loosely around the idea of a person who had grown up doing nothing but online gaming; whose entire vocabulary and social mannerisms were molded solely by internet interactions. - Prokaryotic organisms evolved before eukaryotic organisms, so at one point the world consisted of nothing but prokaryotic organisms. - Sparrow was left alone on a small island with nothing but a gun, one bullet and a bottle of rum. - Pgk posts nothing but libel and personal attacks and skewed viewpoints. - The phone company is nothing but a computer. - There are similar things based on nothing but purely arbitrary assumptions. - Critics, though, say that an enlarged pool of Arbitrators will do nothing but increase bureaucracy, red tape, and inefficiency, while all Arbitrators will still have to review the same amount of material. - He does nothing but make shoes, a pastime that he adopted to distract himself from the tortures of prison. - Other sources claim that it was nothing but an internal office prank. - Initially, A contains nothing but zero bytes, and B contains the number 1979. - Those original machines were nothing but simple adding machines. - Mr Bumble at once tells Brownlow that Oliver was born from deplorable lineage and, ever since birth, Oliver has done nothing but display ingratitude and malice. - Settle it then in your heart, that from the moment God has saved you from all sin, you are to aim at nothing but more of that love described in the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. - This is nothing but a potential statistic, and one about which nothing of value can be independently said. - Nothing but bucksheesh can purchase a sight. - nothing but paragraphs and paragraphs of personal testimony, but no one has provided the link we ask for. - When Barbara was left alone with the innkeeper, she told him that she wanted nothing but a drink of water and a room in which to spend the night. - His dinner was left for him in the cellar, but one night the cook left him nothing but part of a herring and some cold potatoes. - Sijan avoided and escaped capture for nearly six weeks while crawling through jungles eating nothing but various plants and bugs before he was captured. - Homer, initially appalled at what everyone has become, eventually embraces the concept of being a mutant animal who does nothing but eat, sleep, mate and roll around in its own filth upon realizing how well it fits in with his personal lifestyle. - For example, the class of philosophers is nothing but the sum of all concrete, individual philosophers. - The survivors agree to the plan and willingly allow the fleet to be destroyed while they settle on Earth with nothing but the clothes on their back and the supplies they possess. - The user designation would continue to imply ownership or responsibility when it would mean nothing but. - Nothing but vandalism seems to be in the history. - Rather, Abraham did nothing but honor his son. - Just in the same way, what are called vices in the soul are nothing but privations of natural good. - The plan hits a snag, as without his powers the Spectre is nothing but an empty spirit, leaving him invulnerable. - That is what wiki is due to assholes like hoary who make false remarks and then edit out proof they are nothing but liars. - In his life he has seen nothing but forests and hunting parties. - Do we need to continue to express our outrage that will do nothing but irritate some of the above admins? - Penny is sympathetic and understanding, but Ora is disgusted and believes that a pet is nothing but trouble. - Entry is nothing but a press release. - Houston later embarked on a world tour, entitled the Nothing but Love World Tour. - Events that followed ensured that this would be nothing but a temporary blip. - Kabir hits the bass with immense style, aggression, and attitude; slapping it like a freak on a leash, and Colin hammers away on the skins with nothing but pure strength and force, each crack of the snare like a gunshot on a distant battlefield. - When Gunnar had promised this, a demon jumped out of the god effigy and so Freyr was nothing but a piece of wood. - Nothing but books about technology are available in bookstores.

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