How to Use Packaged In Sentences - Examples Of Packaged In Sentences
May 12, 2024
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- The original is an amber lager packaged in brown bottles.
- Early packaged foods for the microwave often could not be cooked in a regular oven, because the heat would make the package catch fire or fall apart.
- In the 20th century an inverter was often made of a discrete transistor with other components, or several inverters were packaged in an integrated circuit.
- Their development is packaged into stages, and each stage has adaptations to life at its stage.
- These noodles are cooked at the factory and packaged as dried noodles, often with a special powder that adds flavor to the noodles.
- Condoms are rolled up when they are packaged, and are meant to be rolled over an erect penis.
- There are many Scenarios packaged with the game.
- Nucleosomes are then packaged up to make a chromosome.
- When packaged food is supervised, the packaging is often labeled with a hechsher.
- Pixar made the movie while Disney packaged it and sold the reels of the movie to movie theaters.
- The cars were standard Lone Star Impys made in England and imported for Physio Chem and packaged in the states.
- He saw it as a way to use film footage accumulated by the Army Pictorial Service, packaged in a way that would be attractive to commercial television.
- This explanation is still often seen in leaflets packaged with the device.
- Sweet potato chips are also a commonly sold snack, be it on the street or in packaged foods.
- These stores had no bakeries or delis and more items were packaged.
- A description of how different kinds are made and packaged, maybe?
- As one of the earliest companies in the emerging field, it employed or bought the packaged material of a huge number of Golden Age greats, many at the start of their careers.
- Commodities are limestone and packaged products.
- These systems were all packaged in desktop enclosures.
- Packaged products include fruit bowls, fruit bowls in gel, fruit in plastic jars, fruit parfaits, fruit crisps, dates, raisins, and canned fruits.
- The difference is that the M87 series vehicles are more detailed and are packaged in small window boxes versus blister card.
- A bread clip is a device used to hold plastic bags closed, such as the ones in which sliced bread is commonly packaged.
- These were packaged on cards similar to the Remco Action Figures.
- Chopped ham is a mixture of ham chunks and trimmings and seasonings, ground together and then packaged into loaves.
- Packaged parts use a handler to place the device on a customized interface board, whereas silicon wafers are tested directly with high precision probes.
- This is a common technique by which closely related commands that have been packaged as a unit allow the user to specify the particular course of the intended action.
- Darda products were packaged in a distinctive yellow and green packaging; today the color scheme has shifted to grays, blacks and blues.
- The bakery began selling the packaged frozen bagels in supermarkets.
- This means that all JOnAS components are packaged as bundles, for example the full JOnAS profile comes with more than 250 bundles.
- Some assortment figures are packaged in identifiable small boxes, in contrast to blind box figures.
- Suitably rated capacitors and the associated resistor are sold as a single packaged component for this commonplace use.
- The components may be individual selected functions from within other applications, or entire systems whose outputs have been packaged as business functions, modules, or web services.
- While the second type is actually a solenoid valve combined with a pneumatically actuated valve, they are sold and packaged as a single unit referred to as a solenoid valve.
- Each title has been packaged in a numbered tin case.
- In the 1890s a new smaller style of telephone was introduced, packaged in three parts.
- The caviar is packaged and sold in red tins.
- He packaged his product at the Industrias La Famosa canning factory, owned by Wilbert Parkhurst and family, for years.
- They also may revise existing packaged software or customize generic applications which are frequently purchased from independent software vendors.
- A whole bird from a butcher is often packaged with the giblets, sometimes sealed in a bag within the body cavity.
- When food is packaged in glass, hot water is used to lower the risk of thermal shock.
- As the equipment available does not appear in list form or in any other reference within the game, the player requires the price list packaged with the game for a successful dive.
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