Prehistoric In Sentences - Example Of Prehistoric In Sentences - How To Use Prehistoric In Sentences
Search your words in sentences People have lived there since the early Neolithic period, from which time on there are numerous prehistoric remains. Movius in 1948 to show a technological difference between the early prehistoric tool technologies of the east and the west of the Old World. All the elements of the group except Roentgenium have been known since prehistoric times, as all of them occur in metallic form in nature and no extraction metallurgy has to be used to produce them. The Labors of Herakles probably had their origin in the religious and magical practices of prehistoric man. Leptictidium was a genus of small prehistoric eutherian from Eocene period. People lived here in prehistoric times. Abundant in Europe in prehistoric times, wisents remained numerous until the early Christian era. Just possibly some prehistoric art might be counted. Growth rates for different areas and species can be obtained by measuring maximum lichen sizes on substrates of known age, such as gravestones, historic or prehistoric rock buildings, or moraines of known age. The babies try to get to the cookie jar for Angelica in a prehistoric era. Its has been made into beads and used in jewellery since Prehistoric times. Located in County Meath, the site is several Neolithic chamber tombs, standing stones, henges and other prehistoric enclosures. They decide to send people into prehistoric times. Producing milk has been part of farming since prehistoric times. Olduvai Gorge is one of the most important prehistoric sites in the world and has been instrumental in furthering understanding of early human evolution. It has been grown since prehistoric times. It was named after the prehistoric Uffington White Horse. Both are economicseconomically important products which have been used since prehistoric times. The Peloponnese has had people living on it since prehistoric times. The area between Amsterdam, Haarlem and Leiden was, in prehistoric times swampland and small lakes. There is evidence that prehistoric people lived in the area. There is a claim for a prehistoric carving as the first known star chart, but the evidence is not clear. There is no easy way to be sure when clothing was first developed, because it was prehistoric and clothing is perishable. Many historical structures, artifacts, and prehistoric settlements have been discovered. The characters are all prehistoric animals. The Canterbury area has been lived in since prehistoric times. Some prehistoric species, such as the Mesonychia, were carnivorous. Prehistoric peoples probably used shells, or small pieces of wood as spoons. The boat is also like other prehistoric canoes. Objects made by prehistoric people are called artifacts. Much of what we understand about prehistoric sharks comes from the study of their fossils. Some prehistoric horned rhinos also grew to large sizes. The Emeishan Traps in southwestern China, around Sichuan province, the Deccan Traps of central India, the Siberian Traps, and the Columbia River Plateau of western North America are four large regions covered by prehistoric flood basalts. It is one of the most famous prehistoric carnivores in North America. Gamera depicted as a prehistoric giant turtle over the height from 60 meters to 80 meters high than the incarnations. Most of these tombs were constructed during prehistoric times. One of the most striking features of turtles, both modern and prehistoric alike, are their dorsal shells, forming an armored carapace over the body of the animal. The series takes place by travelling in western directions for the most part, but it also goes to other places like deserts, a prehistoric world, and a dream world. In prehistoric times people lived in the area which is now Madrid. An important prehistoric Neolithic culture marked by Megalithic structures was on the islands, which were made a thousand years before the Pyramids of Giza, which means they were very old. He contributed to botany, zoology, the study of prehistoric earthworks in North America and Mesoamerican ancient linguistics. Newar civilization within it consists of various strands of ethnic, racial, caste and religious heterogeneity, as they are the descendants of the diverse group of people that have lived in Nepal Mandala since prehistoric times. Seventeen prehistoric sites have been found in the park. Chauchilla Cemetery is a cemetery that has prehistoric remains of prehispanics.