First Ballot In Sentences - Examples Of First Ballot In Sentences

visibility 2K views calendar_month Feb 25, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Before the official end of the first ballot, several states shifted their votes to Eisenhower, giving him the nomination. - As a result, Parker handily won the nomination on the first ballot with 679 votes to 181 for Hearst and the rest scattered. - On 2 December 2006, at the Liberal Party leadership convention, Dion finished third after the first ballot, garnering 17.8% of the delegates. - On 4 February 1975, Thatcher defeated Heath in the first ballot by 130 votes to 119, with Fraser coming in a distant third with 16 votes. - In 2009, he was inducted to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum on his first ballot appearance. - It did no good, as Truman was no longer a sitting President, and Stevenson was nominated on the first ballot. - He received 17 delegates, about 2%, on the first ballot, and even less support on the following two ballots after which he withdrew. - Campbell won decisively on the first ballot, with former party leader Gordon Gibson placing second and Wilson third. - Tilden won more than 400 votes on the first ballot and the nomination by a landslide on the second. - At the 1944 Republican National Convention in Chicago, Dewey easily overcame Bricker and was nominated for president on the first ballot. - Carter easily won the nomination on the first ballot. - More recently, any candidate with less than 5% of the vote on the first ballot is also automatically dropped. - Perry for President and Will Coley for Vice President, who respectively won 7% and 10% of the vote on the first ballot, both taking fourth place. - On December 1, 2006, Michael Ignatieff led the leadership candidates on the first ballot, garnering 29% support. - If not all seats were filled on the first ballot, a runoff was held shortly afterwards for the remaining vacancies. - In the end, the nomination itself was anticlimactic, with Vice President Humphrey handily beating McCarthy and McGovern on the first ballot. - Ford then narrowly won the nomination on the first ballot. - Louis in June, McKinley had an ample majority of delegates, and he won the nomination on the first ballot of the convention. - At the time of his election, he was the only candidate for the Methodist episcopacy ever to have been elected on the first ballot in the history of the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference. - A second ballot was required, as Thacker had achieved 32.68% of the votes in the first ballot, far short of an absolute majority. - Nixon won the nomination on the first ballot. - Nominated on the First Ballot, He Getting Three Votes More Than the Number Necessary. - He could only show plurality in two states and was therefore not going to appear on the first ballot nominating the Republican candidate for president at the National Convention. - He faced nine other candidates for the nomination and headed the polls on the first ballot, upon which six were eliminated. - Harradence and Toshach were separated by only one vote on the first ballot. - Ross was nominated for Treasurer on the first ballot. - Under the new rules they would have been on the ballot for the first time, alone among the candidates who received votes, but this was the first ballot with a list of players. - Before the first ballot for governor was taken, the Tammany delegates left the convention. - With Ben Cline winning majority vote on the first ballot, he secured the nomination and moved on to the general election. - Barnstead withdrew from the race after the first ballot, leaving Hahn and Wahlrab as the only candidates on the second ballot. - Barnum was nominated for Prison Inspector during the first ballot. - 27 out of 46 seats were determined on the first ballot on 23 October; the remaining 19 seats were decided in a second ballot held in November. - He won a first ballot victory on July 13, 1978. - In the Assembly, on the first ballot the Adams ticket had 50 votes, the Crawford ticket 43 and the Clay ticket 32. - Powell voted against secession on the first ballot, but under pressure, switched his vote on the second ballot, joining the majority of whites in voting to secede from the Union. - 2 Senate candidate, precipitating a bitter dispute and a second preselection ballot from which the first ballot winner, Richard Jeffreys, was excluded. - Hamilton Ward was nominated for attorney general during the first ballot. - On the first ballot of the 288 delegates, held on June 3, Cass claimed 116, Buchanan 93, and the rest were scattered, without a single vote for Pierce.

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