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Breeding In Sentences - Examples Of Breeding In Sentences

visibility 31 views calendar_month Feb 28, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Euplerids have definite breeding seasons. - It was first recorded breeding in Cuba in 1957, in Costa Rica in 1958, and in Mexico in 1963, although it was probably established before that. - It is common in eastern North America as a migratory breeding bird. - Captive breeding may be important for conservation of this species. - Birds from the north and east of its breeding range bird migrationmigrate to winter further south. - Mostly, common cranes are found breeding in wooded swamps, bogs and wetlands. - Eastern red bat breeding season starts in the autumn. - Many animals have their breeding seasons in spring. - Since then, four more potoroos have been sent to start a breeding colony. - Most ant species have a system in which only the queen and breeding females can mate. - Plant breeding is the art and science of changing the trait traits of plants to produce desired characteristics. - Many zoos take part in breeding programs to help this species survive. - It means the same thing as selective breeding and is an ancient method of genetic engineering. - Standing water, as in a pond or lake, is the main breeding ground. - Plant breeding has been practiced for thousands of years, since near the beginning of human civilization. - The wallabies have a very unusual breeding pattern. - The only known Guam kingfishers left on Earth seem to live in captivity, with a breeding program having been established. - Now there are over 100 different colours because of selective breeding. - Breeding horned and hornless together functions as a genetic dehorner. - Male toads outnumber female toads at breeding ponds. - Marshes are critically important wildlife habitat, often serving as breeding grounds for a wide variety of animal life. - It is a sedentary species, breeding in birch and other forests and tundra across northern Eurasia, and in Alaska and northern Canada. - One was the great success of farmers in breeding cattle and crop plants. - When the breeding season arrives, the birds choose partners. - Miami MetroZoo in Florida also has a breeding pair of Chinese alligators. - It flies between Arctic breeding grounds and the Antarctic each year. - Birds that are breeding might need a nest inside the cage. - However, when it is the breeding season, crows can become angry and will scare off other crows. - It also helps by breeding the endangered speciesendangered Helmeted honeyeater. - It is a regular winter visitor to the east coast of North America, probably from the breeding population in Iceland. - It has a history of breeding Australian animals. - He is known for his enthusiasm for keeping and breeding newts. - Breeding in captivity is probably the same as in the wild. - During breeding season and sometimes during extreme rainless periods Ostriches live in nomadic groups of five to 50 birds that often travel together with other grazing animals, such as zebras or antelopes. - Little Egrets are mostly silent but make various croaking and bubbling calls at their breeding colonies and produce a harsh alarm call when disturbed. - Health problems can happen in unspayed females when not being used for breeding. - It is strongly bird migrationmigratory and winters south of its breeding range to the equator. - Unless it is the breeding season, this frog hides during the day and moves around at night. - There are approximately 320,000 breeding pairs of gentoo penguins. - They became extinct due to large scale hunting in its communal breeding grounds. - Selective breeding of carp made them into the domesticated koi in Japan, and goldfish in China. - At breeding time, the male gets nuptial pads on the first three fingers. - It is common to see large groups of these species during their breeding seasons. - A captive breeding effort was set up in 1976 for the Hood Island tortoises. - Large numbers of toads move towards the breeding ponds. - Woodland edges, farmland hedges and gardens with relatively thick vegetation are favoured for breeding. - The vast fields of the village have allowed the farmers to develop a range of crops and animal breeding programs. - Captive breeding are helping the species to recover. - The breeding time is 8 months. - Castration is commonly performed on domestic animals not intended for breeding. - Turtles can take many years to reach breeding age, and in many cases breed every few years rather than annually. - But later, other tabby patterns happened because of mutations and selective breeding of the mackerel tabby.
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