Comparable To In Sentences Example Of Comparable To In Sentences How To Use Comparable To In Sen

visibility 20K views calendar_month Dec 6, 2023

Search your words in sentences Aurora is comparable to Eos in Greek mythology and to Ushas in Hindu mythology. So, are we looking at a personality comparable to Billy Graham? The effect would be comparable to the shadow of a golf ball cast by sunlight on an object from Earth. Khat is used as a stimulant in Yemen, Ethiopia and Somalia, the effects are comparable to those of drinking tea or coffee. The honorary citizenship is comparable to the honour Freedom of the City. In France, the United Kingdom and Russia, however, there are significant communities left comparable to before the war. Some such devices also have a controller chip comparable to an embedded system. Its popularity and use is comparable to the modern drug aspirin. It is not seen as a form of amnesia comparable to the other types. This fact has made a small growth of crime level, but is not comparable to other major Brazilian cities. Hardware description languages are strongly comparable to programming languages. Its social and cultural impact is comparable to that of the Black Death. Get them to a level comparable to Somme River or Seine. The Muslims of Bihar have wealth rates comparable to rest of the Republic of India. If the aisles are high and of a width comparable to the central nave, the structure is sometimes said to have three naves. However, this action can still allow a workout comparable to those experienced on the water. In a combination study with 2,000 patients also treated with levodopa, the incidence and severity of side effects was comparable to monotherapy. This is comparable to the point resolution of the best electron microscopes. This is comparable to buffers in telecommunication. Since there is no possibility of studying equal environments in a manner comparable to using identical twins for equal genetics, the GxE factor can not be isolated. They also have a low birthweight rate at 4%, a rate comparable to industrialized countries, and over 90% of households receive adequate iodized salts. It is comparable to milk or meat proteins. This energy is liberated in a small volume, in which it will, for an instant, produce a temperature comparable to that in the interior of the sun. Evidence indicates that its size was comparable to Globe Theatre and Fortune, its competitors. The Allied armies had nothing comparable to the Chilean cavalry and artillery. The Centroceratina are comparable to the Trigonocerataceae, the Liroceratina to the Clydonautilaceae, and the Nautilina to the Nautilaceae. Randolph as comparable to the Halifax Explosion of 1917 in destructive power. Icelandic has inflectional grammar comparable to Latin, Ancient Greek, more closely to Old English and practically identical to Old Norse. Which the role is pretty comparable to a prime minister like in other countries. The liberation of the cities was symbolised by the adoption of the Pompeian era, which made it comparable to a new foundation. The Commonwealth of Independent States is comparable to a confederation similar to the original European Community. The tests showed that her verbal memory and language fluency were comparable to those of persons with the same level of education in their eighties and nineties. Mitchell, have even argued that there was no conflict at all, the Romans of the late Republic having interpreted events of their distant past as if they were comparable to the class struggles of their own time. Contemporary changquan moves are difficult to perform, requiring great flexibility and athleticism comparable to that of gymnastics. In computing, analogue is a noun meaning something that is similar or comparable to something else. In weight it was comparable to Soviet heavy tanks. Until then, we have no categories comparable to this list. Its original use as a vulgarism carried a meaning suggesting high sexual desire in a woman, comparable to a canine reproduction. Its call has been described as comparable to that of a distant Eurasian bittern . The league had a minimum salary of $5,000 per year, comparable to the two major leagues, and often paid their established players as well as the National and American Leagues. It is comparable to such measures used in the law as mean sea level, meander line, tide line; but it is more complex than these. However, his death came before he could produce any breakthroughs comparable to those of his earlier years. This rate is comparable to what is seen in West Africa, and is considered a severe epidemic.

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