Flesh In Sentences - Examples Of Flesh In Sentences
Search your words in sentences https://englishteststore.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20211&Itemid=1131 - Doom lectures him on the power of flesh, which he demonstrates by forcing one of his followers to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, before ordering the barbarian to be crucified on the Tree of Woe. - They eat by holding the fish in one claw and tearing the flesh with the other. - People watching were hit by pieces of skin and flesh. - The color of the flesh varies by diet, with fish caught on the east coast of North America often being rosier. - They are under the control of the vampire who bites them, eat human flesh, and are intelligent enough to use firearms. - Saltwater pinks are smaller than freshwater and have softer flesh. - The fillets then pass over a wheel and a blade that separates the skin from the flesh. - They can also be The flesh is good for being canned and frozen. - The flesh is used for many dishes in Southeast Asian cuisines. - The flesh of the tuna is different. - For several years, he studied flesh flies and blow flies all over the world. - The pureed flesh may be added into custards, ice creams, bread, pancakes, smoothies, milk shakes or made into jams and marmalades. - When the bowl is full, she leaves to empty it, and when she does, the venom drips onto the trickster and gradually eats away at his flesh. - It also likes to eat human flesh. - These birds have powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, powerful clawtalons and very good eyesight. - The flesh turns white when cooked. - Cannibalism is where a person eats the flesh of another person. - The flesh right next to the seed can be bitter or even toxic. - They also have a rough tongue that helps them peel the skin of prey animals away from flesh and flesh away from bone. - They lay their eggs into raw flesh, and the lavae feed on raw flesh. - The flesh of mackerel spoils easily, especially in the tropics, and can cause food poisoning. - Some can have yellow flesh, and some can be seedless. - Over the head an earthenware pot is placed, and his principal wives have to remain in the hut till the flesh is eaten by ants or decomposes, when the skull is removed and buried close to the hut. - The fruits have a juicy sweet seed pulp, and slightly gritty flesh nearer the skin. - True teachers will say that say that Jesus came in the flesh. - The flesh of a coconut is white and can be eaten raw or used in cooking. - Most species of fish have white flesh. - They feed on ectoparasites, particularly ticks, as well as insects infecting wounds and the flesh and blood of some wounds as well. - Normally, the zombie is a mindless, clumsy corpse which eats human flesh. - Total abstinence from feeding on the flesh of cows is a hallmark of Hinduism. - Antonio signs a bond agreeing to give Shylock a pound of his flesh if the money is not repaid on a certain date. - The flesh of the fruit is firm with a taste anywhere from sour to sweet. - The flesh on the inside of the rambutan is white in color. - Upon crushing the flesh of horseradish, the enzyme myrosinase is released and acts on the glucosinolates sinigrin and gluconasturtiin, which are precursors to the allyl isothiocyanate. - In Christian art, martyrs were usually shown holding palms representing the victory of spirit over flesh, and it was widely believed that a picture of a palm on a tomb meant that a martyr was buried there. - Their diet leads to the accumulation of heavy metals in their flesh. - The white and juicy flesh of yellow fruit has pungent and distinct flavor. - When Antonio fails, Shylock goes to court to get the pound of flesh. - Embedded in the pulpy flesh are several large seeds. - Also common is digestion of flesh by maggots. - However, they catch botulism from the rotting flesh, and die. - The duck was eaten, although its flesh tasted bad. - Once the seed pulp and surrounding flesh start to brown, the fruit is over mature and should not be eaten. - The corms of the plant are the water chestnuts and is a crispy white flesh and can be eaten raw, slightly boiled, grilled, pickled, or tinned. - Working on frogs and extrapolating to humans, Malpighi demonstrated the structure of the lungs, previously thought to be a homogeneous mass of flesh, and he offered an explanation for how air and blood mixed in the lungs. - This proved and continues to be very controversial, as traditional Islamic thought holds that Jesus is the Messiah, who himself will return in the flesh at the end of times. - Since the flesh is not matured, cooking the flesh breaks it into powder. - Shylock insists on the pound of flesh as stated in the bond.