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How to Use Oesophagus In Sentences - Examples Of Oesophagus In Sentences

visibility 3 views calendar_month May 11, 2024
Search your words in sentences - In the ventral reticulum, less dense, larger digesta particles may be propelled up into the oesophagus and mouth during contractions of the reticulum. - The water vascular system leads downwards from the madreporite through the slender stone canal to the ring canal, which encircles the oesophagus. - There is no true stomach, so the oesophagus connects directly to the intestine, which runs in a single loop right around the inside of the calyx. - During this display the oesophagus inflates to as much as four times its normal size and resembles a balloon. - Branchial ganglia form two oval central masses, resting upon the upper surface of the oesophagus, one on each side of the median line, across which they are united at the anterior extremity by a short but distinct commissure. - basically including oesophagus, stomach and the guts. - Its inner end is abrupt, and at the left of the middle line is the opening of the oesophagus, very much smaller than the pharynx in diameter. - A mouth, oesophagus, and cardiac stomach are seen, but no pyloric stomach or anus is present. - Knowing if the cardiac sphincter is involved is critical in making decisions about operability; and length of the involved oesophagus is also critical. - Bundles of nerves connect the cerebral, pedal, and pleural ganglia together, as well as running above and below the oesophagus to connect the right and left cerebral and pedal ganglia to each other. - Initially, bougies were used to dilate benign strictures of the oesophagus. - The oesophagus, situated just behind the rhinophores, is clearly visible as a curved red tube. - The long, ciliated oesophagus emerges posterodorsally from the pharynx and is flanked by longitudinal muscles. - Head and neck and oesophagus cancers in Saudi Arabia. - Debris in the food, such as soil, is filtered before it enters the oesophagus and is collected in a tiny trap, the infrabuccal pocket. - Report of a case of spontaneous perforation of the oesophagus successfully treated by operation. - By moving the radula and odontophore over a surface, the teeth cut and scoop up food particles and convey them into the mouth, whence they enter the oesophagus. - A mouth is in the centre of the underside, with an oesophagus and cardiac stomach which can be everted. - Beneath the oesophagus, at the forward part of the foot, lie the pedal ganglia. - Sriniwasachar continued his research interests throughout his life with a particular focus on cancers relating to the oesophagus. - These snails have secondary glands in the oesophagus that secrete proteins to keep the blood liquified in their guts. - The hose and tip is passed through the gag and down the oesophagus to the rumen. - I know gastric juice will digest incoming living cells.But, will some cells attach on the inner wall of oesophagus and try to invade adjacent tissues? - Spontaneous perforation of the oesophagus. - An endoscopic assignment test can also be performed, where an endoscope is used to view the oesophagus and throat on a screen. - Because of torsion, the oesophagus usually passes around the stomach, and opens into its posterior portion, furthest from the mouth. - It later turns out he tore his oesophagus after throwing up from food poisoning. - Their oesophagus is divided into a short anterior pharyngeal portion, an elongated corpus, a short and narrow isthmus, and a large valved bulb. - There is usually a prepharynx, the pharynx is muscular, the oesophagus, if present, is short and the caeca long, terminating near the posterior end. - In this case, the trachea is not attached to the oesophagus. - Of these, 22 were found to harbour the bivalve in their oesophagus. - Its nerve ring is located below the neck constriction, while its excretory pore is near te junction of the oesophagus and intestine. - Its oesophagus is expanded at its posterior half. - These are cancers of the lung, brain, oesophagus and pancreas. - The excretory pore is located near the junction of the oesophagus and intestine. - Brad finds her coughing up blood and she is rushed to hospital, where it emerges that she has an inflamed oesophagus from excessive vomiting. - These are cancers of the lung, pancreas, brain and oesophagus. - The cricoid cartilage and the oesophagus are not aligned in close to half of adult patients. - However, lampreys, hagfishes, chimaeras, lungfishes, and some teleost fish have no stomach at all, with the oesophagus opening directly into the anus.
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