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Follower In Sentences - Examples Of Follower In Sentences

visibility 98 views calendar_month Apr 3, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Saint Clare, a follower of Saint Francis, was also born in Assisi. - He became a follower of Peter. - The philosophy that dominated this century was the school of German philosopher and mathematican Gottfred Leibniz, later expanded by his follower, Christian Wolff. - Lal was a follower of Mahatma Gandhi. - Magician Doug Henning also became a follower of Transcendental Meditation. - Konigsburg was a follower of the Jewish religion. - Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a follower of Nobunaga. - He is Cortex follower and serves his master. - A follower of the FranceFrench archbishop Marcel Lefebvre tried to hurt the Pope with a bayonet. - The Kagyu school was founded in Tibet by Naropas follower Marpa Lowatsawa. - He testifies that he once was a strong follower of this and other Jewish laws, but he now considers these things to be like trash compared to the gospel of Jesus. - For his follower was too young to rule on his own, the official Zhuge Ke became regent. - If it was Mark, means that Mark was a follower of Jesus who probably saw him crucified and come back to life after three days. - It shows that the person being baptized has become a follower of Jesus. - and the Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir, and a keen follower of Formula One motorsport. - However, John himself was a learned follower of the mediating theologian George Cassander. - Here the person under power desires to identify with these personal qualities, and gains satisfaction from being an accepted follower. - Most often it would indicate that the wearer of the livery was a servant, dependant, follower or friend of the owner of the livery, or, in the case of objects, that the object belonged to them. - As a balance to the Sovereign Stone, a Void follower was able to accept the Dagger of the Vrykyl from the Void itself, which has similar powers to create the antithesis of the Dominion Lords. - The magazine follower spring had a short service life, so soldiers were ordered to load no more than 25 rounds to reduce wear of the spring. - During this step the follower poises herself for a spring, and just after it she springs up into the air. - Whether he was a follower of Milo Rambaldi or he was simply following orders is unknown. - As a follower, Zoe falls in love with Adamantis and gives birth to his child Atertra, later known as Catty. - The assailant turned out to be Noah Green, a black, male, Nation of Islam follower who believed Louis Farrakhan is Jesus. - he brings me everything I need to impersonate a follower of Mars. - The leader then picks a quantity that maximises its payoff, anticipating the predicted response of the follower. - On counts 5 and 6, the leader touches their right foot in front of themselves while the follower touches their left foot back. - The top plate could move and was called the follower, the bottom plate was fixed. - He loads up to 15 cartridges one by one, he pivots the top portion back and releases the follower. - Whereas, Anjoman was a loyal follower. - In the ancient world, a disciple is a follower or adherent of a teacher. - When Checote stepped down as principal chief in 1883, an election elevated a follower of Isparhecher to the position, narrowly defeating Isparhecher himself. - Led by former Robb follower Ed Novak, the splinter group died out in 1995. - While cleaning the route, the follower attaches the carabiners and anchors to his or her harness belt loops. - De Boigne was a faithful follower and Sindhia trusted him and made him a confidant. - Page 425 Her follower Benjamin Creme has stated that through Hitler . - A cam and cam follower is formed by the direct contact of two specially shaped links. - She was practical, sarcastic, easily angered, a follower of current events, and frequently the brunt of jokes about her lack of attractiveness. - The magazine spring, pushing against the follower, forces the cartridges up to present the next cartridge for loading. - In his youth, he became a follower of the Greek Orthodox faith, and long considered entering the priesthood. - Wimpy Murgalo is a loyal follower in awe of Stanley, eventually becoming best man at his wedding. - The rewards, from this contingent reward, is solely based on an agreement between the leader and follower. - Joining them is Mathew, a traveler from a distant land and a follower of Promenthas. - Peter is confronted by the surrounding mob for being a follower of Jesus. - Upon capturing a Prankster follower named Danny, Nightwing learns where Prankster can be found.
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