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Flown In Sentences Example Of Flown In Sentences How To Use Flown In Sentences

visibility 119 views calendar_month Nov 3, 2023

- Search your words in sentences - - Mr Valeska told Judge Nail that important witnesses were to be flown in from Australia. - The winning flag was flown from the top of the Exhibition Building. - He was one of 24 people to have flown to the Moon. - His mathematics and science teacher had flown in the Soviet Air Forces during the war, which was said to make some impression on young Gagarin. - Behnken has flown more than 1,500 flight hours and piloted more than 25 different types of aircraft. - The plane is hijacked and flown over the mountains to Tibet. - Because they are flown outside, where they move with the wind, flags are usually designed with bold images and bright, basic colors. - The Command and Service Module, a Block I model, as flown on three other unmanned tests, arrived September 29 and was added on December 10. - It introduced a free market in the commercial airline business and led to a great increase in the number of flights, a decrease in fares, an increase in the number of passengers and miles flown, and a consolidation of carriers. - The flag of the country hosting the next Summer or Winter Olympic Games is also flown. - Daedalus landed safely on an island, and in grief, he named the sea that he and Icarus had flown across the Icarian Sea. - Many other aircraft were later used, and the British had flown in about 100,000 tons of cargo by the end of the blockade. - It had first flown on August 14, 1966. - By the end of the Vietnam War, he had flown over 900 combat missions. - Betty Ann Ong was an American flight attendant who was on American Airlines Flight 11 when it was taken over by terrorismterrorists and flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, as part of the September 11 attacks. - So many things had to be flown into Berlin that aircraft took off every three minutes. - Nextjet starts flights from Mariehamn to Turku on the 2nd of April 2012, and it will be flown once everyday, except Sundays. - He is one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon. - Though the exact origin of kites are not known, it is known that they were flown in China and the Malay Archipelago two to three thousand years ago. - The very same Saltire was also flown as the flag of Galicia in Spain until 1891, when Russia requested the Galician flag to be modified in order to avoid confusion between Galician ships and Russian Navy ships. - He has flown 3963 hours, with 2665 hours on 747s. - Seven spacecraft have flown past Jupiter since 1973. - For a time Dejima was the only place in the world where the Dutch flag was flown because they were not ruled by France. - It is flown each year near his tomb near Ahmednagar, India during the anniversary of his death on January 31, 1969. - Consultations are carried out via radio or telephone and for serious situations, doctors are flown out to the patients. - The hostages who were freed were flown to Paris and London. - It was first flown on June 12, 1994 and entered service with United Airlines on June 7, 1995. - Mail is flown in by plane once per week. - He has flown for 12423 hours, with 4842 hours on 747s. - The paratroopers were flown in on gliders pulled by large bombers. - On that day, the plane was flown by three crew. - They are then flown to Los Angeles to tape the show. - The Southern Cross was used on the flag flown by miners in Ballarat, Victoria, during the rebellion known as the Eureka Stockade. - It was first flown in Apollo 4. - Mexicana has never flown since then. - Both vehicles were built and flown by Mojave Aerospace Ventures. - SkiingSkiers get on the helicopter and are flown to a landing zone on the mountain. - Having flown on Apollo 13, Haise was to be the sixth human to walk on the Moon, but the mission did not land due to a failure aboard the spacecraft. - He was flown to Zintan and has stayed there. - Ravenel is a member of Moultrie Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and is a supporter of the Confederate flag being flown at the South Carolina statehouse. - The flag has since been flown during every Games. - The Greek flag was officially adopted in 1828 as a civil and state ensign and as a national flag when flown outside of Greece, for example on embassies. - They are the most powerful rocket motors ever flown. - Aircraft not registered cannot be flown. - Leonardo da Vinci first thought of a helicopter flown by a man in 1490, and drew pictures of his ideas. - The Cubs Win Flag is a flag that is flown at Wrigley Field after every Chicago Cubs home win. - It had flown earlier but were experimental models.

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