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Gamma Rays In Sentences Example Of Gamma Rays In Sentences How To Use Gamma Rays In Sentences

visibility 91 views calendar_month Nov 25, 2023

Search your words in sentences - Spectrograph cameras would record the wavelengths of light emitted by the explosion, and pinhole cameras would record gamma rays. - The strength of the E1 pulse depends upon the number and intensity of the gamma rays and upon the rapidity of the gamma ray burst. - Gamma rays had been examined above the atmosphere by several early space missions. - A gamma ray detector located some distance from the source, detects surviving gamma rays and sorts them into several energy windows. - Records the spectrum of gamma rays and neutrons emitted by the radioactive decay of Chemical elements contained in the Martian surface. - When exposed to cosmic rays , chemical elements in soils and rocks emit uniquely identifiable signatures of energy in the form of gamma rays. - Therefore, the emitted gamma rays carry virtually all of the energy liberated by the nuclear transition. - This maneuver is done to minimize interference from any gamma rays coming from the spacecraft itself. - The telescope was calibrated to only record gamma rays entering the telescope at certain angles. - Induced fission happens only when a nucleus is bombarded with neutrons, gamma rays, or other carriers of energy. - The mission was completed on 25 April 1982, after the satellite had been operational for more than 6.5 years, four years longer than planned and had increased the amount of data on gamma rays by a factor of 25. - The more energetic gamma rays passed through the spacecraft structure, and impacted the detectors from any angle. - Silicon and germanium are quite different in their ability to convert gamma rays to electron showers. - Unlike gamma rays, beta emissions are stopped much more effectively by materials and therefore deposit all their energy in only a shallow layer of tissue, causing more intense but more localized damage. - Musicians have also experimented with gamma rays sonification, or using nuclear radiation, to produce sound and music. - With the beta shield closed, only gamma rays can penetrate both the shield and ionization chamber. - Gamma rays do not have either intrinsically more or intrinsically less energy than cosmic rays. - The gamma rays had to be intense and of the right energy. - There is also a health risk and a danger of exposure to radioactive material in installations that use energy sources for generation of gamma rays and other types of radiation. - Compton scattering is thought to be the principal absorption mechanism for gamma rays in the intermediate energy range 100 keV to 10 MeV. - I would let them mix, and let the gamma rays sterilize all life. - The gamma rays only have mass when moving, so if they are moving they might produce the mass necessary to keep the black hole intact. - The gamma rays move at the speed of light. - The rest is from some of the spontaneous radioactive decay that occurs during the fissioning, instantaneous gamma rays produced in the fission, and the kinetic energy of the neutrons that pop out. - Gamma rays cannot be reflected off a mirror and their wavelengths are so small that they will pass between atoms in a detector. - In the case of high or frequent xrays and gamma rays this causes damage or mutations in oarganic substances. - Black hole evaporate by releasing Hawking radiation, but no one knows for sure wether they completely evaporate into a burst of gamma rays after becoming a micro black whole or wether they reach some stable state and the process stops. - Metastable compounds are charged with gamma rays and reradiate them slowly. - The applications of scintigraphy include early drug development and nuclear medical imaging to view and analyse images of the human body of the distribution of medically injected, inhaled, or ingested radionuclides emitting gamma rays. - The combination with HiSCORE enables a higher maximum energy for the observed gamma rays than with conventional imaging air cherenkov telescopes. - A 10 cm layer of either of them will be quite effective to block most gamma rays. - Probably gamma rays, but not necessarily. - Absence of gamma rays is not a conclusive argument. - Most gamma rays in astronomy, however, arise by other mechanisms. - Well all black holes evaporate due to hawking radiation and release their mass equivalent in the form of high energy gamma rays. - My memory is that it states that increased acceleration will increase the red shift until gamma rays are longer in wavelength than the universe, so it will not be possible to detect electromagnetic waves as waves anymore.

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