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Invoke In Sentences - Examples Of Invoke In Sentences

visibility 358 views calendar_month Jan 16, 2024

Search your words in sentences - The Attorney General rightly points out that the Vice President can only invoke the 25th Amendment when a majority of the Cabinet agrees, and a tie vote does not constitute a majority. - The user could invoke other commands, such as opening a different document. - Guruthi pooja is a ritual done at late evening to invoke goddess Mahakali. - A nice picture, but one that is framed and lit to invoke a sense of reverence. - In front of the spectators she created in stage the human soul, pain, protest, revolt, hate, cynicism, hypocrisy, and cunning; she offered them the magic of the play, what the real art can invoke. - That means that a running program can retrieve its own docstrings and manipulate that information, but the normal usage is to give other programmers information about how to invoke the object being documented in the docstring. - Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program. - The patriarchal election of 1928 was the first in modern history to invoke written bylaws. - During the second half of the series she receives a green bracelet that can invoke Doll Izumi. - If the software fails to invoke a reboot, the watchdog timer will timeout and invoke a hardware reset. - Fishermen invoke him so that they may take large fish. - Therefore the evidence is allowed, and Garrison is not allowed to invoke the 4th Amendment protection. - The introduction to the waltz can be likened to the poise of a skater, and the rapid runs invoke scenes of a wintry atmosphere. - Eventually, the gods tire of his boasting and invoke Thor, who arrives. - Geologists see no need to invoke a global flood to explain upright fossils. - Zelda and her coven invoke the power of Hecate to restore their powers and resurrect her sister Hilda. - The Church did not invoke civil authority to punish heretics. - Odo saw no option but to invoke the aid of Charles Martel and pledge allegiance to the Frankish prince. - This allows the sending objects to invoke behaviors and to delegate the implementation of those behaviors to the receiving object. - It has been an objection to the original Kaluza hypothesis to invoke the fifth dimension only to negate its dynamics. - Following the customs of those times, he was made to invoke a curse upon himself if he should break his oath of fidelity to Hugh. - But, to invoke the jurisdiction in any given case, all the parties have to accept the prospective judgment as binding. - Most court opinions contain holdings on multiple issues, so lawyers need to cite to the page that contains the specific holding they wish to invoke in their own case. - The two invoke Pumpkinhead to kill the Hatfields. - Therefore, Cadvan and Nelac invoke an archaic ritual called the Way of the White Flame, by which Maerad is anointed a full Bard. - Neither am I sure I can trust this user not to invoke advantageous blocking in a content dispute. - No keyboard commands are required to invoke the search. - In other words, if a website on the internet is stating a group of people are indians and one of the legitimate groups objects, they can invoke treaty powers, and preempt the first ammendment rights of this website or group to post the materials. - just get all the embarrassing stuff oversighted, then invoke rules against even linking to or discussing the oversighted material... - A citizen of that country, who is being prosecuted by his state for violating this national law, can invoke the human rights treaty in a national courtroom and can ask the judge to apply this treaty and to decide that the national law is invalid. - What name would you want to invoke it by? - It is mentioned in chronicle that warriors invoke Andajus in battle. - People now invoke networking in relation to everything from business to child rearing to science. - I have blocked this user during his RfA after he made innappropriate comments which may invoke thoughts of the T word and also the R word. - Trying to invoke those speedy criteria is stretching them to application in places they were never intended for. - The only counter to this weapon was to invoke another Vaishnavastra to counter the attacking Vaishnavastra or for the presiding deity of the Vaishnavastra to stop the Vaishnavastra. - But we also wanted to invoke the transformative nature of being in a state of altered consciousness. - The second parameter contains the callback function that the client should invoke when the response arrives from the server.

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