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Top 10 English Idioms for Treasurer Corporate

280 views · Dec 15, 2023
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Top 10 English Idioms for Treasurer -Corporate 1. Penny Pincher A penny pincher is someone who is extremely frugal or thrifty with money. In the corporate world, it's important to have a treasurer who is a penny pincher, always looking for ways to save and cut costs. 2. Cash Cow A cash cow is a business or product that consistently generates a lot of profit. As a treasurer, it's crucial to identify and nurture cash cows to ensure the financial stability of the company. 3. Golden Handshake A golden handshake refers to a large sum of money or benefits given to an executive or employee upon leaving the company. It's a way to show appreciation and ensure a smooth transition. 4. Red Tape Red tape refers to excessive bureaucracy or administrative procedures that can slow down or hinder progress. Treasurers often have to navigate through red tape to get things done efficiently. 5. In the Black Being 'in the black' means having a positive balance or being financially profitable. It's the opposite of being 'in the red,' which signifies a loss. A treasurer's goal is to keep the company consistently in the black. 6. Bottom Line The bottom line refers to the final figure or result, especially in financial terms. It's the ultimate measure of success or failure. Treasurers need to focus on the bottom line to make informed decisions. 7. Cook the Books To 'cook the books' means to manipulate or falsify financial records or accounts. It's an illegal and unethical practice. Treasurers must ensure the books are always accurate and transparent. 8. Rainy Day Fund A rainy day fund is a reserve of money set aside for unexpected or emergency situations. It's a prudent financial strategy. Treasurers play a vital role in managing and growing the rainy day fund. 9. Blue-Chip Investment A blue-chip investment refers to a safe and reliable investment, usually in a well-established and financially stable company. Treasurers need to identify and recommend blue-chip investments to maximize returns. 10. Hedge Your Bets To 'hedge your bets' means to reduce the risk by taking multiple actions or investing in different options. It's a strategy to minimize potential losses. Treasurers often have to hedge their bets in complex financial scenarios.
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