Buildup In Sentences - Examples Of Buildup In Sentences
Feb 28, 2024
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- A verneshot is a hypothetical volcanic eruption event caused by the buildup of gas deep underneath a craton.
- The center of this buildup was the expansion of the Air Force Air Police from 10,000 in July 1950 to 39,000 in December 1951.
- An important objective of the military buildup was to gain the respect of the Western powers and achieve equal status for Japan in the international community.
- That allowed Stalin to provide the expansive buildup of the Red Army.
- This is an explanation for the buildup of scale inside pipes caused by hard water.
- Wolves in Slovakia, Ukraine, and Croatia may disperse into Hungary , where the lack of cover hinders the buildup of an autonomous population.
- Of the 13 firebox collapses, four were due to broken stays, one to scale buildup on the firebox, and the rest were due to low water level.
- The loss of larger plants and reed fringes in eutrophic waters increases erosion of banks and the buildup of sediment on lake floors.
- Since the burning rate of smokeless powder varies directly with the pressure, the initial pressure buildup,.
- troops, this time for the military buildup preceding the war in the Persian Gulf.
- Many people with severe ichthyosis have problems sweating due to the buildup of scales on the skin.
- The first of these phases is cut in the second version, leaving only the final buildup and peroration.
- Failure of an unheated sensor is usually caused by the buildup of soot on the ceramic element, which lengthens its response time and may cause total loss of ability to sense oxygen.
- Blood flowing through blood vessels acts as a convective fluid and helps to prevent any buildup of excess heat inside the tissues of the body.
- The verneshot theory suggests that mantle plumes may cause heating and the buildup of carbon dioxide gas underneath continental lithosphere.
- From there, he was able to undertake a buildup of the regional navy, which was later used to confront the Japanese invasion force.
- Their bodies, like those of Earless seal and whales, are less sensitive to the buildup of carbon dioxide than those of most other mammals.
- The geographic buildup of the seat consists of Liberal voting areas in the west, Labor voting areas in the east and swing areas in the centre.
- As grain size decreases, the surface area to volume ratio of the grain increases, allowing more buildup of dislocations at the grain edge.
- Turbomolecular pumps must operate at very high speeds, and the friction heat buildup imposes design limitations.
- In response to the invasion, the largest military buildup since the Vietnam War commenced.
- Acoustic cleaners help prevent buildup around the impellers and between the tubes.
- This moisture supported relatively lush plant growth which had, over time, resulted in a buildup of plant debris several metres deep.
- When using the brakes effectively, the driver must go through a buildup phase and end with a modulating phase.
- The total current is constant in space, because any variation would cause charge buildup over time .
- Gradual silt buildup in the Yellow River had raised its water level and overwhelmed the Flood control.
- A gradual arms buildup in the Sahara began in 1976.
- Initial hearing loss is usually subtle and may be attributed mistakenly to aging, earwax buildup, or perhaps exposure to some loud environmental noise.
- Some early Wankel engines also had side exhaust ports, the concept being abandoned because of carbon buildup in ports and the sides of the rotor.
- lines immediately before the attack, warning of the buildup, the message was not relayed promptly and the attack proceeded as planned.
- If buildup insulates the probe from the medium, it will stop working properly.
- His final invention, in 1983, was an automatic edger to remove ice buildup from the edges of rinks.
- They also help prevent material buildup in the downstream separators and fans.
- Loss of aqueous humor absorption leads to increased resistance and thus a chronic, painless buildup of pressure in the eye.
- As sensed by Eighth Army intelligence, the buildup was in preparation for an offensive.
- The buildup and verses are meant to bring focus to the drop.
- The closing valve causes a buildup of pressure that travels up the runner as a positive wave.
- He did not have enough aircraft or skilled cavalry to detect the German buildup on his left.
- The next one could not dock for three days due to the ice buildup.
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