Prenatal In Sentences - Example Of Prenatal In Sentences - How To Use Prenatal In Sentences
Search your words in sentences This was so, Scalia reasoned, even if these women had to provide the samples as a precondition of receiving their prenatal medical care. Recent projects of interest include studies showing that maternal prenatal stress, depression or anxiety increases the probability for a range of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes for the child. The critical role of echocardiography in prenatal diagnosis is evident, and both the accuracy and safety of the test are now well established. Additionally, she became pregnant and developed prenatal telepathy, which she used to assist Team Flash in defeating the Thinker. A couple of days later, Bernard fills in for the teacher of a prenatal yoga class and he runs into Susan. It forms during prenatal life and has reached its maximal size at birth. They first met at a prenatal class, and like Sarah, also got pregnant at the age of just thirteen. That means that if the known onset is in childhood or prenatal there are fewer adult sufferers who remained untreated and treatment and new developments are going to be focused on young patients and treatment in the womb. In 2000, researchers compared the perinatal outcomes and costs of illegal women with and without prenatal care and inferred the impact of denial of prenatal benefits to illegal immigrants in California. Prenatal stress also hinders the ability to learn and memorize by disrupting the development of the hippocampus and can lead to unestablished long term potentiation in the offspring of severely stressed parents. Because of its role in cellular synthesis, choline is an important nutrient during the prenatal and early postnatal development of offspring as it contributes heavily to the development of the brain. It is therefore kind of a prenatal record of the science we now call aerodynamics. She has done nutrition consulting work in the areas of diabetes, renal, prenatal nutrition and home care. It might have received prenatal vitamins or been subjected to amniocentesis and was allowed to survive only because it was healthy. Countries with poor prenatal care, low food supply, or developing countries could have a higher incidence of schizophrenia, but more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis. In Honduras, it was found that to remedy inadequate prenatal care, many merchants pay teenage girls to get pregnant and monitor them to make sure they eat well and receive some kind of care. Obstetrical nurses help provide prenatal care and testing, care of patients experiencing pregnancy complications, care during labor and delivery, and care of patients following delivery. This supports the theory that the prenatal testosterone surge is crucial for gender identity development. There has been a great deal of research concerned with the damaging effects of prenatal drug use, and how exactly this use impairs future memory functioning of the child. Early and adequate access to prenatal care is important to maternal and child health and is another comparative indicator of community health. 72 infants participated in a study where 36 infants have prenatal exposure to cocaine. Three other prenatal cases could not yet be reliably assessed. Gender Differences in Prenatal Substance Exposure. Since its start in 2000, Ravgen has developed and patented a variety of safe, accurate prenatal diagnostic tests that simply require a blood draw from the mother. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of frontonasal dysplasia. Nevertheless they remain ambivalent objects, compositing controlled, phallic external profiles with richly upholstered interiors that suggest prenatal chambers. Nearly 10% of illegal women had no prenatal care. In such cases, it may be much easier to exclude the possibility of disease in the child by prenatal sex discernment than to test for any specific sign of the disease itself. About 48% of prisons have prenatal services. They services also provide counselling and support for parents undergoing prenatal testing or who have experienced pregnancy loss. Scott ends up in the hospital after a drunk husband beats him up after they try to help the battered wife; Sheldon begins convincing Amelia that she needs to tell Addison about her pregnancy, so she can get the right prenatal care. To achieve their main goal, the initiative proposes an integrated approach to prevention; improve the prenatal coverage, diagnosis and early treatment of pregnant women in the region.