Jesus In Sentences - Examples Of Jesus In Sentences
Apr 15, 2024
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- At the centre it shows Jesus, surrounded by saints, sitting in judgement over the people of the Earth.
- One of the largest universities in Venezuela and it was established in 1953 by the Society of Jesus.
- Bart Denton Ehrman is an American New Testament scholar focusing on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, the origins and development of early Christianity.
- Mary knew she had to go back to her town and when she did, with Jesus in her arms, the people were shouting at her for adultery.
- The Holy Eucharist is the most important of the sacraments, because Catholics believe that Jesus Christ becomes truly present in the form of bread and wine.
- Easter, also called Resurrection Day and Pascha, is a Christian holiday celebrating Jesus Christ returning from the dead.
- The translators of the King James Bible said that these books were written to prepare the people for Jesus, in the same way as John the Baptist did.
- Jesus, who many Christians believe is God the Son and their Messiah, was Crucifixioncrucified.
- Jesus used the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant to say that we should forgive without limits.
- Jonathas Cristian de Jesus, simply known as Jonathas, is a Brazilian footballer.
- There is a legend that the young Jesus went to England with his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, to England and visited Glastonbury.
- They supposedly happen to other religionreligious people like Saint Francis of Assisi, as well as Jesus.
- People who do not have Christian beliefs, have different ideas about Jesus.
- John, one of the disciples of Jesus, had.
- He was partners with Wanda De Jesus since 1986.
- Quiboloy was a member of the United Pentecostal Church until he established the Kingdom of Jesus Christ church.
- The Bible says Jesus became famous.
- According to the Bible, Jesus already knew that Peter would say this.
- The four gospels tell the life of Jesus.
- The New Testament states that on the Sunday after Jesus was killed, his body was no longer in the tomb where he was laid.
- Lutherans believe that the central idea to all of their beliefs is that humans are saved by grace alone through faith alone because of Jesus Christ alone.
- The Nunc Dimittis is the song that was sung by the priest Simeon who had been promised by God that he would live long enough to see Jesus.
- Then for 40 days, they try to work hard on improving themselves and thinking about the teachings of Jesus.
- He was ordained a Catholic priestpriest by the Society of Jesus, in Frankfurt am Main Cathedral, in August 28, 1964.
- Christians follow the example of Jesus, accept his words to be true, and worship him as the Jewish messiah and incarnation of God.
- Jesus himself quotes the Old Testament often without question, but Judaism has never believed in the literal word of the Hebrew Bible.
- Christians believe that the promised Messiah was Jesus.
- He baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
- They believe that both Jesus and Muhammad were ordinary men, chosen by God to be his servant and teach the word of Islam.
- Its patron saint is Saint Anna, mother of Saint Mary and therefore, grandmother of Jesus.
- The Christian movement had begun with the Resurrection of Jesusresurrection and ascension of Jesus.
- On the south side, they are about the life of Jesus.
- Christians believe that, as the Messiah, Jesus was anointed by God as ruler and savior of all people.
- The white part represents purity, and the red represents the blood of Jesus.
- In this scene John is praying and the baby Jesus raises his hand to bless John.
- The story is told from the beginning of the Bible in which Adam disobeys God, to the coming of the baby Jesus.
- In the time of Jesus, it was under the rule of the Romans.
- Around this time, Celsus wrote that Jesus himself had made up the story about being born to a virgin.
- Randriambololona was born in Anjozorobe, Madagascar and was ordained to the priesthood in 1961 for the Society of Jesus.
- Most Christians celebrate the day that Jesus was born as the holiday of Christmas.
- At the time of the birth of Jesus, the Roman Empire ruled the entire Mediterranean area.
- Today there is a statue of Justo with a sword and a figure of a crucified Jesus.
- The Roman soldiers killed Jesus by crucifixion.
- In the Christianity, first there was no creature to death, because God resurrected Jesus and can kill people.
- The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his Twelve apostlesapostles in his crucifixion.
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