Recognize In Sentences Example Of Recognize In Sentences How To Use Recognize In Sentences

visibility 50 views calendar_month Nov 21, 2023

Search your words in sentences - Others recognize that even apes, other primates, other mammals and some birds adapt to survive by being creative. - The people who protested did not recognize the results of the election. - Few countries recognize these groups. - The international community continued to recognize the Khmer Rouge as the government of Kampuchea for a decade after they were defeated. - To more easily recognize them, tilt your head toward your left shoulder. - His findings showed that people found it harder to recognize the objects that had no relationship to the location. - Very late in life, he learned to read to a certain extent, and to recognize his name when it appeared in print. - The two Koreas each claim the territory of the other, and do not recognize each other as legitimate sovereign states. - When training a Mastiff, it is important to recognize they have a certain personality type that needs additional time and patience to learn things. - On the 50th anniversary of the death of Lojze Grozde, the Archdiocese of Ljubljana started a process to recognize his martyrdom and also his beatification and canonization. - To bypass the unit code system, if does not recognize your unit code, it will accept any wikitext and render it as usual. - It can also mean the social category in societies who recognize three or more genders. - Updating allows the removal tool to recognize new types of adware. - More foreign tourists than Japanese people recognize him. - It was selected over a more modern model so that the audience would immediately recognize it as the device that connected to the telephone. - This, ideally, enables them to recognize the indicators of a stall and prevent an accidental stall at low altitude. - They did recognize her two male partners who won the award. - Orthodox Christians recognize Edward and other Westerners whose sainthood was declared before the formal split between Orthodox and Catholics in the 11th century. - Her stepsisters do not recognize her. - The problem was that in Central Europe elephants were not known, so they could not recognize the figure. - The eyes of mantis shrimp may recognize different types of coral, prey species, or predators, such as barracuda, which have shimmering scales. - The two disciples still did not recognize Jesus. - A timeline of events leading up to the American Civil War describes the events which historians recognize as contributing to the American Civil War. - He became disappointed that the town of Dundee did not recognize him as a great poet, so he went to Perth, ScotlandPerth and then to Edinburgh. - It also weakened efforts within England and France to officially recognize the Confederacy. - The striped tail makes it easy to recognize. - She says that Donald is able to be manipulated by others who recognize his weaknesses. - The plays try to make the audience recognize the value of a way of life, close to the land and countryside, that they could never know for themselves. - A Screen Actors Guild Award is an award given by the Screen Actors Guild to recognize outstanding performances by its members. - The birds can recognize particular individuals by their calls. - Feminist anthropologists today aim to recognize and point out this kind of bias. - Cladistic classifications do not recognize Radiata as a clade. - Even even close friends to fail to recognize her, and the major change in her appearance hurt her career. - The Dutch could not get weapons from the other possible source, the Soviet Union, because the Dutch did not recognize their communist government. - Even so, differences in social status appeared in slight differences of design, material, and decoration, so that Koreans in those days could indirectly recognize the class, rank, educational level, and character of the owner of it by fashion style. - First, it is awarded not only to recognize the valuable contributions of a mathematician but also to encourage him or her to continue their works. - Though Belle does not recognize him at first, she looks into his eyes and sees the Beast within and they kiss. - When a person gets a live vaccine, their immune system learns to recognize and fight off that virus or bacteria. - However, for someone who is about to visit Japan and just wants to be able to recognize a few words, katakana will be more useful as it will help to read many of the road signs, shop names and the names of things on restaurant menus.

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