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Profane In Sentences - Example Of Profane In Sentences - How To Use Profane In Sentences

visibility 114 views calendar_month Dec 15, 2023

Search your words in sentences I was completely out of control and I apologize for using such profane statements. It shows Baxter as a profane commando who leads a group of recruits to survive after the world has ended. His work is an idiosyncratic combination of the profound and the profane. The latter often can have obscene connotations, but it is generally not considered profane. Eventually this mix of the sacred and the profane came to be regarded by some as sacrilegious. She is portrayed as a beautiful woman but is as tough and profane as any man. He was primarily concerned with religious art and profane subjects. Both losses were marked by profane outbursts and constant complaining from Sock. They were only waiting for an opportunity to profane the symbol of Christianity. Since, this anon user has not changed his editing style, and his attacks on other editors has continued to be very aggressive and profane, especially in his edit summaries. The edits summaries were at first profane and then switched to claiming that it is tidying the infobox. So if it finds that a user has added some profane language to a page, it will be displayed as the revision icon. Looking up the names of the supposed god pulls up nothing meaningful other than suspiciously profane slang. The mundane, the bizarre, the prosaic and the profane. They testified under oath that, although Wirz used profane language and occasionally spoke harshly to some of the prisoners, they had not seen him inflict any personal harm that caused death, nor had they heard of such injury. What these eminent men desired was not so much the separation but the combination of the treasures of profane literature and of Christian truth. However in my native tongue, and personally I abhor profanity, and if I come across as profane, I tender an unconditional apology, as I cannot expect others to be sensitive when I am not sensitive to their feelings. From the precaution taken by the Colonel, he appeared to suffer very little, neither did the others struggle much, except Broughton, who had been the most indecently profane of the whole. For that which is appropriated to God and exclusively separated from all profane uses is sanctified or holy... Instead it led to a lengthy noticeboard thread, profane insults, and his apparent departure. He replaced my userspace pages with profane pictures multiple times, and on multiple pages, including the pages of my alternate account. For Maslow the distinction between the secular and the profane is unfortunate. All editors, whether experienced or new, should not use language that is defamatory, racist, vulgar, hateful, obscene, profane, threatening, insulting or offensive. This user is civil to all users in general, no record of hostility, profane comments, and empty block log. Many publications have detailed the development of the Medina model and system of prioritization of public and private spaces, residential and commercial, sacred and profane. and came across a current talk page thread that contained repated vulgar, profane or offensive language from one contributor what action would you take? This was also the first Inme single to include the use of profane language and as such, a clean version was released to video and radio stations. This flag would be triggered if an edit contained any profane or trollish words, as specified in a protected list of trigger words. Meanwhile, Allison grounds Tom for using profane language. There the heretic priest, Claus set up a profane altar, namely a table lifted far above the ground where he occasionally celebrated his communion. Some of this was formulated out of the established core vocabulary, or by giving specific profane or indecent senses to regularly formed Esperanto words. Others devote themselves to similar researches, but do not neglect general questions of interest to universal history, profane or ecclesiastical, or to the history of medieval culture. According to poet Randall Watson, Topchy rejects the traditional notions that divide the sacred and the profane, insisting instead on the equivalent necessity of the ordinary as a container through which the extraordinary is revealed. I makes me feel better not being the only one with profane language in my proposals. For any language, there are generally multiple reliable sources discussing profane words. Petersburg incident, members of the Iron Lion Firm were ejected from a home game after profane language was chanted in their section.

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