Common Year In Sentences - Examples Of Common Year In Sentences
Search your words in sentences - February is the second month of the year, coming between January and March, and is also the shortest month, with 28 days in a common year, and 29 days in a leap year. - The year 1523 was a common year which started on Thursday. - The exceptional common year, 1900 was also a common year starting on Monday in the Gregorian calendar. - A common year is a year with 365 days; in other words, not a leap year. - Then, by skipping the leap day, the Swedish calendar was introduced, letting February 28 be followed by March 1, giving the entire year the same pattern as a common year starting on Monday. - It was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. - The year 1657 was a common year which started on Monday. - The year 1570 was a common year starting on Sunday. - This day is the first day of the last third of the year as well as the two thirds point of the common year because there are 243 days before and 121 days after it in common years. - If it was, then that week is week 53, if it was a common year then it is week 52. - The year 1663 was a common year which started on Monday. - The year 1633 was a common year which started on a Saturday. - The year 1706 was a common year which started on a Friday. - It was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Julian calendar. - In a common year, this is October, and in a leap year, July. - The year 1 was a common year starting on Saturday in the Gregorian calendar. - The year 1635 was a common year which start on Monday. - The exceptional common year, 2100 will also be a common year starting on Friday in the Gregorian calendar. - It was a common year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar. - In countries that start their week on a Sunday, it occurs in a common year starting on Thursday, with the next occurrence in 2026, and previous occurrences in 2015. - This day is the first day of the second third of the year, as well as the one third point of a common year because there are 121 days before and 243 days after it in common years. - The year 1662 was a common year which started on Sunday. - The year 1673 was a common year which started on Sunday. - The year 1487 was a common year which started on Monday. - The year 1693 was a common year which started on a Thursday. - The year 1653 was a common year which started on Wednesday. - The year 1631 was a common year which started on Wednesday. - Some sources list it as a common year starting on either Friday or Saturday. - The year 695 was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. - It was a common year that started on a Saturday. - The year 1629 was a common year which started on Monday. - The year 1575 was a common year starting on Saturday. - The year 1678 was a common year which started on Saturday. - It was a common year starting on Saturday of the Julian calendar. - A common year is a year with 365 days, in other words, not a leap year. - The year 1646 was a common year which started on Monday. - It was a common year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar. - The year 1587 was a common year which started on Thursday. - But a year is a common year if it can be evenly divided by 100 but not by 400. - The year 3 was a common year which started on a Monday. - The year 1506 was a common year which started on Thursday. - The year 1702 was a common year which started on Sunday. - The year 1665 was a common year which started on Thursday. - The year 1599 was a common year which started on Friday. - The year 1538 was a common year which started on Tuesday. - The year 1586 was a common year which started on Wednesday. - In the Gregorian Calendar the year would have been a common year starting on Wednesday. - The year 1674 was a common year which started on Monday. - In the Swedish calendar, it was a common year starting on Sunday. - The year 1897 was a common year starting on Friday on the Gregorian calendar. - The year 1670 was a common year which started on Wednesday. - It was also a common year Common year starting on Tuesdaystarting on Tuesday of the obsolete Julian calendar. - It was a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar. - In ordinary Roman calendar, the common year had 355 days and the leap year had 378 days. - It was a common year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar. - The year 843 was a common year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar. - The year of 1898 was a common year, and began on a Saturday. - This is the only common year with three occurrences of Friday the 13th, in February, March and November.