Stem In Sentences Example Of Stem In Sentences How To Use Stem In Sentences

visibility 109 views calendar_month Dec 1, 2023

Search your words in sentences - Its flowers are purple, dark pink, or lavender and grow directly on the end of the stem. - The caterpillar bores into the stem of the host plant. - Thick waxy cuticle Water storage in stem and tubers, etc. - The Michigan Avenue Bridge Michigan Avenue across the main stem of the Chicago River in downtown Chicago, Illinois, United States. - The single stem grows from 5 to 10 m tall with all the leaves on the top. - The stem can be up to 30 cm in diameter. - On December 6, 2005, Ho had his own stem cells put into his heart by Amit Patel and his other Medical doctordoctors in Thailand. - With the backlog growing it would be good to implement this as soon as possible to stem the tide. - Stem tetrapods are difficult to classify because they lack some or all of the key characteristics of the standard groups. - Pipes to smoke opium may have clay or metal bowls with a wooden stem. - The term is most used for a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem. - Pius V was known not only for its focus on halting heresy and worldly abuses within the Church, but also for its focus on improving popular piety in a determined effort to stem the appeal of Protestantism. - The surface area of even a fat stem is far less that the total surface of leaves in a tree. - In 1981 they were the first to grow embryonic mice stem cells in a laboratory. - He described nearly all the key differences of Morphology morphology of stem and root, showed that the flowers of the Asteraceae are built of multiple units, and correctly said that stamens are male organs. - A hydrometer is usually made of glass and consists of a cylindrical stem and a bulb weighted with mercury or lead shot to make it float upright. - The plants are large herbs with very big leafleaves; the lower parts of the leaves form a false stem so they look as trees. - Stem cells are found in most, if not all, plants and animals. - Because of its property of accelerated aging regeneration, stem cells and cancer. - A laboratory thermometer is recognizable by its long stem with a silver bulb at the end. - The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30cm wide. - In these plants the Leafleaves are very small, in stem. - Under natural conditions, the parts of the stem that connect the tubers with the main stem die in the autumn or winter. - Bananas and papaya are herbaceous plants but they look like trees; papaya has a thick stem but without much wood. - Shoa, cardiac surgerycardiac surgeon and one of the first people to work with adult stem cells for heart disease. - Chlorophyll also makes the stem and leaf of the plant green. - They have very big leafleaves; the lower parts of the leaves form a false stem so they look as trees. - The most important tissue inside the stem is the vascular tissue. - An advantage of adult stem cells is that it provides a lesser probability of rejection. - Palm stems represented long life to the Ancient Egyptians, and the god Huh was often shown holding a palm stem in one or both hands. - It had thin grasslike leaves that grew on the stem. - Its stem goes into a crack in the bark of fibrous barked trees. - In 2012, Sasai became the first stem cell researcher to grow an optic cup from human cells. - There are a number of showy flowers, typically one per stem, in to the poppy family. - Reichert investigated the role of Neurogenesisneural stem cells in the development of the brain using the fruit fly Drosophila as a model. - The one raised in this environment has taller stem body and bears more fruits than the one raised outdoors. - A sprig is a single stem snipped from the plant. - Thus, the cells on the side not directly exposed to light will grow faster than the opposing side, and the stem will curve towards the light source. - The climbing habit comes with a flexible woody stem, got from a secondary growth. - In development, embryonic stem cells can turn into any tissue. - It describes a horizontal stem running across or just under the ground. - Its stem entered the mill through a hole at first floor level. - Sometimes the leaf blad surrounds the stem, giving the impression that the shoot grows through the leaf. - The stem group of birds would be all the earlier Aves minus the crown group Neornithes. - This structure will detatch from its root or stem and will roll on the ground. - The two broad types of mammalian stem cells are embryonic stem cells, and adult stem cells, which are found in adult tissues. - Stem cells can be grown in tissue culture.

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