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Prediction In Sentences - Examples Of Prediction In Sentences

visibility 53 views calendar_month Mar 25, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Observations of the pulsar soon confirmed this prediction, providing the first ever evidence of the existence of gravitational waves. - This energy aloft helped to organize a surface low along the shearline early on August 2, Tropical Prediction Center. - Its intensity nearly matched forecasts made with the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme. - This prediction has no empirical basis, but it has been explored in modern physics. - Usually, prediction is involved. - It is based at the World Weather Building in Camp Springs, MarylandCamp Springs, Maryland, along with a few of the other National Centers such as the Climate Prediction Center. - The main prediction of inflation theory is that particles called inflatons are created from a scalar field from Quantum field theory. - The idea started from weather prediction. - After the failure of the prediction, Dorothy Martin left Chicago after being threatened with arrest and involuntary commitment. - This assumption makes the problem simpler, but is unlikely to lead to a good prediction as to the time it will take for the feather to fall. - Improved ships and weather prediction have helped to reduce these problems. - Asteroid impact prediction works by finding the ones that will hit Earth. - Numerical weather prediction is the way weather forecasts are made. - The Sumerians, and Ancient Egyptians studied the stars, mostly with a view to prediction and religion. - Branch prediction is where the hardware makes educated guesses on whether a particular branch will be taken. - Asteroid impact prediction Predictionwarns about hitting Earth, and when and where they will hit the Earth. - Even if the weather was perfectly measured, a small change or error will make the prediction completely wrong. - His prediction was correct, and xenon hexafluoride was later discovered. - Once the results have been summarized and described, they can be used for prediction. - Many earlier microprogrammed CPUs did not do branch prediction because there was little or no performance requirements; for this reason there is no need for altering the flow of the instruction stream. - Setting the field to special relativity permitted prediction of the complete electromagnetic field. - His prediction has proved very accurate. - Communications satellites are important for television and other communications, and other satellites help with weather prediction and other jobs. - In addition to forecasting, meteorologists study the impact of weather on the environment and conduct research into weather patterns, climate change and models of weather prediction. - Since both factors may vary independently of each other, the best prediction is gained by devising a formula with makes use of both indices. - One of his first acts was to begin construction of Crowland Abbey which he promised to build for Guthlac if his prediction came true. - However, sceptics noticed that theories were often not discarded when a prediction was refuted. - So, knowing the genome of an organism does not give an exact prediction of its phenotype. - We try to find out when one is going to hit Earth using impact prediction. - It claimed the prediction methods in the First Assessment Report, were now improved, but did not include aerosol or ozone changes. - The law permits the prediction of genotype frequencies from a knowledge of gene frequencies. - When deciding whether measurements from an experiment agree with a prediction, the standard deviation of those measurements is very important. - The theory that Vulcan exists come from the earlier prediction that an outer planet was causing similar changes in the orbit of Uranus from the orbit predicted by classical theory. - A very clear example was the prediction of Einstein that a source of gravity would bend light passing nearby. - The Storm Prediction Center announced a tornado watch for eastern Louisiana and central Mississippi. - Magnetic susceptibility is a prediction of how magnetised a material will get in a magnetic field. - Almost all pipelined processors do branch prediction of some form, because they must guess the address of the next instruction to fetch before the current instruction has been executed. - His prediction for May 21, 2011 was widely reported, in part because of a massive publicity campaign by Family Radio, and it prompted responses from both atheist and Christian organizations.
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