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Crop In Sentences - Examples Of Crop In Sentences

visibility 33 views calendar_month Mar 30, 2024
Search your words in sentences - It is a cool season crop, planted in winter. - Black soil or alluvial soil is the best for this crop. - Since Colonycolonial times, there were many farms in the region; the main crop was sugarcane. - It is expensive and care should be taken to ensure that the benefits from increased crop yields are not exceeded by the installation and operating costs of the irrigation scheme. - Nikolai Vavilov showed that rye, originally a weed, came to be a crop plant by unintentional selection. - An important crop is cranberries which is grown on the peat bogs. - One was the great success of farmers in breeding cattle and crop plants. - They have not been seen since that, but sometimes they come at night and hits crop or even forest down. - This crop requires high temperature and high rainfall. - Modern day forms of intensive crop based agriculture involve the use of mechanical ploughing, chemical fertilizers, plant growth regulators or pesticides. - One such mission was to make Sampo, a machine that would do money, crop and salt. - MaizeCorn was the main crop, but drought and grasshoppers hurt the crops. - An economic crop is cascarilla bark. - Its cultivation decreased in the Bronze Age, and today it is a relic crop that is rarely planted. - Weeding made it like the crop. - Traditionally the staple crop of the valley was Rice, which formed the chief food of the people. - It also makes use of resources that would otherwise not be used by a single crop. - Poor farming practices led to significant crop failure, and cities did not make many of their daily items like clothes and machines. - Widespread crop failures and famine on the subcontinent in the 1980s led to increased indebtedness and decreased capital for farmers to invest in pesticides. - It is usually migrationresident, but in the north some migrate if the conifer cone crop fails. - They sometimes enter farm gardens and eat crop plants. - This wet area is used to grow sugarcane in, as the wet climate is well suited for the crop. - Guar is a crop which is mostly grown in Pakistan. - There are crop marks that there must have been a large collection of buildings, maybe a royal palace or at least high status Saxon enclosure. - He is best known for showing how and where crop plants evolved. - This crop is planted in July or August and harvested at the end of November. - When hardy Winter wheat was introduced to Kansas by Russian settlers, it eventually became the main crop in Smith County. - Egyptians kept cats in order to attack snakes, and creatures that might ruin crop stores, such as mice, and so Bes was naturally singled out as worthy of worship in Egypt. - Repeated droughts, blights, and crop failures in Kashmir, combined with an Indian export ban, contribute to its high prices. - Many scale insects are serious crop pests. - Once this work became well known, it formed the basis of the new science of genetics, which stimulated research by many plant scientists dedicated to improving crop production through plant breeding. - It was grown as a food crop thousands of years ago. - Some companion plants may help Pest controlstop pests, such as caterpillars or fungi, from damaging the crop. - Crop failure is a loss or reduced crop yield due to plants being damaged, killed, or destroyed. - That meant that if they grew a crop such as some form of corn, the lord got a tenth of their earnings in corn. - Most raptors, including hawks, eagles and vultures, have a crop; however, owls do not. - He received the Wolf Prize in Agriculture in 1980 for his work to the study of crop pathogens. - Omahangu is the main staple crop grown in Oshana. - It took nearly 200 years for the potato to become a widely grown crop. - The family is economically important as grapes are an important fruit crop and, when fermented, produce wine. - Vintage Crop was bred in the United Kingdom but was trained in Ireland. - There is a way to make a temporary crop top with a normal shirt. - Tropical Storm Barbara in June caused $55million in crop damage in southeastern Mexico from heavy precipitation. - This led to the manufacture of synthetic fertilizers, further increasing crop yields. - During the 18th century18th and early 19th century Northern Europe had several very bad years of crop failure. - It is often used for garments such as swimwear, camisoles, crop tops, bras, cocktail dresses, and evening gowns. - Rye is a type of grass, usually grown as a grain or forage crop. - Surplus production from good crop yields helped societies survive bad years.
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