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How to Use Membrane In Sentences - Examples Of Membrane In Sentences

visibility 16 views calendar_month Apr 27, 2024
Search your words in sentences - A virus has a simple structure, it has no internal cellular structure, no cell wall or cell membrane, just the protein coat that holds the string of nucleic acid. - They have flagella, which run lengthwise between the cell wall and outer membrane. - In the machine, the blood flows in one direction, and on the other side of the membrane, a special fluid, dialysate flows in the opposite direction, this process is known as osmosis. - In animal cells, the whole cell is made of protoplasm, surrounded by a cell membrane. - Vesicles can fuse with the plasma membrane, and release their contents outside the cell. - The waste products are removed from the blood and caught up in the fine membrane. - The spindle fibers begin to disappear, and a nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes. - Most defensins work by binding to the microbemicrobial cell membrane. - Together they provide membrane fluidity and mechanical strength. - These genes code for membrane receptors for the transport of, for example, zinc molecules. - Peroxisomes or microbodies are Organelleorganelles inside eukariotic cells which are enclosed with a membrane. - Shark eggs are covered by a tough, leathery membrane. - With eukaryoteeukaryotic cells, the virus protein coat is able to enter the target cells via certain cell membrane receptors. - The young are carried clinging to the flight membrane. - The membrane is selectively permeable. - A membrane protein is a protein molecule that is attached to, or associated with the cell membranemembrane of a cell or an organelle. - As the membrane, oxygen can easily diffuse in and out. - They are held in place by a membrane that can not move. - The Golgi complex is part of the cellular membrane system, and so is the endoplasmic reticulum. - Transfection of animal cells usually involves opening temporary pores in the cell membrane, to allow the cells to take up the vector. - He was noted for his use of lightweight structures, in particular tensile and membrane structures. - Basophils have protein receptors on their cell membrane which binds IgE, an immunoglobulin involved in macroparasite defence and allergy. - It is outside the cell membrane and gives these cells support and protection, as well as acting as a filter. - This was the second ever atomic model of a membrane protein. - The environment outside the cell is separated from the cytoplasm inside the cell by the cell membrane. - They lick the membrane clean with their Tonguetongues. - The nuclear membrane has thousands of nuclear pores. - A hole forms in the cell membrane, then the virus particle or its genetic contents are released into the host cell, where viral reproduction may start. - These are called peripheral membrane proteins. - They can glide long distances, as they have a thin membrane stretched to the ends of the tail and each limb. - They become attached to the endoplasmic reticulum if they are making membrane proteins. - They control the movement of molecules across the membrane. - An ion channel is an integral membrane protein or more typically an assembly of several proteins. - An example from biological chemistry is the lipid bilayer, which is the basis of the cell membrane, and so is of great importance. - Ulcers start when the top layer of skin or mucous membrane is damaged. - Vesicles are also more commonly known as nuclear membranes, because their very similar to the cell membrane. - The ribs and their connecting membrane can be extended to create a kind of wing. - This means the capsid is coated with a lipid membrane. - The tympanum membrane can only be seen on frogs. - This allows the protein to cross the membrane to where it is needed. - Animal cells are contained in just a membrane. - Organelles typically have their own plasma membrane round them. - Around the outside of the cell membrane is the bacterial cell wall. - By concentrating the chemicals in one place, the cell membrane performs a vital function. - An epithelial membrane has two parts, one part is epithelial tissue and the other is connective tissue. - Water and small molecules can go through the cell wall and the cell membrane. - These proteins mainly transport chemicals and information across the membrane. - Attachment, or, occurs between the viral part and the host cell membrane. - Water molecules travel through the plasma membrane, tonoplast membrane. - At the heart lies a membrane that can only be crossed by charged molecules. - They do not have a cell wall around their cell membrane.
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