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Glow In Sentences - Examples Of Glow In Sentences

visibility 20 views calendar_month Apr 4, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Tetravalent manganese is used as an activator in phosphors that glow red. - Every species of firefly has larvae that glow to repel predators. - Plasma windows will glow in different colors depending on the gas used to create the plasma. - Sometimes, glow fuel is called nitro or just model fuel. - Calcium oxide was used to make limelights, which have a flame heating calcium oxide and makes it glow very bright. - H I regions are clouds of neutral hydrogen which glow faintly with infrared light. - To glow with the fire of its rays. - In these countries, glow fuel sometimes has no nitromethane at all. - The bright star Zeta OrionisAlnitak, the most eastern star in the Belt of Orion, shines a glow of electrons into the Flame nebula. - When the gas heats up to around 30,000 degrees kelvin, the gas starts to glow. - His eyes glow white, and they can let him see through walls, except lead, because radioactive waves cannot pass through lead. - Instead, most modelers buy their glow fuel already made. - This gives the ornament a silver glow. - Their bellies glow in the dark. - In the glow of the firelight, she sees wonderful visions of a Christmas tree and a festive dinner. - A neon glow lamp is a little orange light bulb. - Their job was to paint the dials of watches with radium paint, so that the numbers would glow in the dark. - This will excite the sample and make it glow. - The glow plug burns very hot as the engine runs because of a catalytic reaction with the methanol. - A small amount of electricity is used to cause the glow plug to glow as the engine is started. - These colors do not glow in the dark; they look like dye on the polished steel. - Glow fuel is mostly made of methanol, nitromethane and oil. - Phosphors do not contain the chemical element Phosphorus, which can be made to glow a different way. - Instead of the dull golden glow of thousands of bananas, there were only a few discarded peels. - Glow fuel is not difficult to make, but some of the ingredients are dangerous in large amounts. - In order to burn the glow fuel, a glow engine must have a glow plug. - The oils included in glow fuel are not burned by the engine. - They often have gold backgrounds which glow when they are lit by candlelight. - Magnetic fields channel the gases leaving the nebula into streams that show as streaks in the background glow. - To be analyzed the chemical is heated, because hot things glow and each chemical glows differently. - A Super Mushroom transforms Mario into Super Mario, making Mario glow and have the strength to take two enemy hits. - This leaves a glow from the tower once the fireflies leave. - They start their nuclear fusion about 100,000 years after being created when they get their red glow, this is also where they get their heat. - Nuclear fusion is what makes stars glow. - When the heat makes them glow, they are known as meteors. - The red or pinkish glow comes from hydrogen gas behind the nebula. - Tritium makes the phosphors glow because it is radioactively unstable and gives energy to the phosphor so it can make light. - For example, in a light bulb, current carries energy through a special wire called a filament, which makes it glow. - This same region also showed faint glow of ionizationionized atomic hydrogen. - Spent or partially spent uranium fuel rods kept underwater, for example inside a nuclear reactor or in a spent fuel pool, can glow blue due to Cherenkov radiation. - Therefore, it burns in air and causes a flickering glow. - Sky glow also prevents astronomers from seeing dim objects. - Companies which make glow fuel mix their fuels with the help of computers. - Along his search he also trails people alight with the glow of White Imagination, knowing that Alyss would most likely glow the brightest. - In turn, the effects of sky glow can affect production rates of agriculture, especially in farming areas that are close to large city centers. - I like how it sits at the edge of a cityscape surrounded by the glow of lights in the sky, not to mention the smoke of industry on the side. - The Dothraki believe that ghost grass covers the Shadow Lands, with stalks that glow in the dark and grow taller than a man on horseback. - The pins were individually loaded with resistors forcing the discharge from each pin into a low current brush or glow discharge which fanned out towards the bar. - Everybody seemed to be paranoid except for us two, who were in the glow of love. - The presence of molybdenum trace impurities occasionally results in a green glow.
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