Come At In Sentences - Examples Of Come At In Sentences

visibility 86 views calendar_month Mar 1, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Most believe them to have come at the end of each year, but since we do not know when the year started, we cannot know for sure. - His first resistance would come at the River Jhelum near Bhera against King Porus of the Paurava tribe. - Their successes had come at a terrible price, many gave their lives. - In rare cases it can come at State Two or even Stage One, especially if it happens to attract popular interest. - That should probably come at least slightly later. - The latter says he cannot do what she wants because the prince would then kill him, and also it is likely no prince will come at all; she needs to find a prince first. - The actor responds to three sets of reminiscences that come at him from all sides according to a predetermined sequence. - I personally have reservations about including footnotes in the middle of sentences, rather than perhaps breaking up the sentences so that the footnotes do come at the end, but that is really more a personal preference. - In passing, I noticed that Mitzi Myers is placed a bit problematically; the quote immediately preceding your introduction of her name apparently comes from her work, too, so the phrase about what she noted should probably come at the beginning. - They come at last to the pole proper, where they find a huge magnetic needle. - I really believe that no photo is better than photos that come at the price of advertising. - Her aunt says it is too far to come at that hour of the night, but if she wants to, Claire can come pick up a necklace belonging to her mother. - The commissioner and police force come at the hospital and the fight game begins. - This has come at a great advantage to me, and my balance and performance are heightened while I play. - Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. - This change will come at some point. - It is public, it appeared on several sites, televisions will come at the event. - Do any of you have any good recommendations for Spanish CDs I could play in my car and learn Spanish, ones that come at a reasonable price. - Flee from us, shadows of the night, Our day has come at last. - The first to come at scene is Lal and everyone suspects Lal. - As the wheels necessarily come at a weight penalty it is often possible to exchange them with standard wheels to match the capabilities of the wheelchair to the current activity. - People from India prefer to come Barahachhetra in kartik purnima and people from hilly Nepal generally come at makar sakranti. - His unfortunate loss has come at time when the student movement has been becoming a center of attaraction across the world. - These items always come at the bottom. - Scientific scenarios to feed and water ever increasing numbers come at a cost. - He tells Linda he intends on settling down in Malibu, but she believes their new life will come at the cost of their marriage and begs him to return to Wisconsin with her. - Nobody bats an eyelid at the insults and assumptions of bad faith that come at me from others. - Selling Little Mexico could come at a cost. - Jazz is relishing the independence that college has given her but it has come at a cost. - Or if your point is that people were killed, maybe that should come at the end of the headline. - Lucas was then chased by Ortiz and was captured by Kim, who had come at Lucas unseen and from another direction. - The Albanians held the ground in the end, but it had come at a very great cost. - If you want him to come at a whistle, then whistle while he is coming. - Basically, any harvesting of energy via a windmill on any moving object will come at a cost of worse performance or higher energy consumption, all things being otherwise equal. - He may have come to the American colonies in 1630 with his aunt Elizabeth, the wife of Deacon Ephraim Child, or he may have come at a later date. - However, the hiring of external employees will come at a higher total cost and will reduce company profits, something against which executives are often measured and compensated. - These genealogies, which come at the end in a sizeable section of some 30 folios, are mainly associated with Leinster, but others are integrated. - See, I indicate to you another irritating thing, and that is editors who come at an article with one single mission in mind. - This strategy would come at a price with the Magpies only winning one more game for the rest of the year. - I understand your frustration, I often come at it from the other end.

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