In Line With In Sentences Example Of In Line With In Sentences How To Use In Line With In Senten

visibility 60 views calendar_month Nov 4, 2023

- Search your words in sentences - - However, the administrative and commercial functions of the city were not in line with the slow economic growth of Tambov. - So people have reason to act in line with the canons of these virtues and avoid cowardly, gluttonous, and unjust action. - This includes radical steps to eliminate poverty with ambitious social policies such as increasing the minimum wage in line with the living wage. - The desire for state boundaries more in line with historical territorial boundaries, however, never ceased entirely. - Amita further points out that this is in line with his spiritual endeavor, after she says that he wants more from life than his recent habit of just walking in gardens, and he shares the same view. - to be more in line with the medical template. - The new government altered prior Russian Imperial policies towards the Nivkh that were in line with Communism. - In line with all other football clubs after a decree by the government there was no further competitive football at the Moss Rose during hostilities. - The measured yields are in line with expected values. - Some retrospective reviews see it as a spare, beautiful departure from form and a worthy effort as a whole fully in line with the thrust of the film. - This is in line with the Russian practice of attacking targets by firing pairs of missiles with different homing systems. - In line with its student background the club devoted its potential to developing young players. - Effingham then voted in line with most other rural Deep South counties from 1964 to 1972. - In line with a number of vehicles in the United States, the electrical charging system introduced an Alternator , replacing the Dynamo. - With the state of East Sumatra now being the only federal state remaining, it too folded and fell in line with the unitary Republic. - This is in line with similar splits for places like the United Kingdom, where the separate parts each have subcategories of the main. - In line with its agriculture are other industries such as large farming, livestock, and poultry raising. - It seems as if he wishes to suppress independent sources which are not in line with his personal view. - The flexibility of Malay culture is in line with the historical development and geographical location of Riau, making Riau very rich with a variety of artistic expressions. - Webb was able to rally the 71st and move it in line with these two units; when he attempted to get these units to advance to retake the wall but the regiments refused to move. - Despite this, Morillo continued with negotiations and focused on getting a ceasefire and bringing the war in line with the Jus gentium. - In January 2013 various news sources reported that the Planning Minister Nick Boles was planning on pushing ahead with the reform of the use class order, in line with the Policy Exchange proposals of 2011. - As the ship was leaning over, a gust of wind pushed the ship on her side, bringing her masts and sails down in line with the surface of the sea. - In 1982, it was lowered to 15, in line with that for heterosexual acts. - Digital News department attached to News and Sports Division has also strengthened its functions in line with the recent reform initiative. - It was provided that the number of B roll seats would rise over time in line with the proportion of total personal income tax paid by blacks until a total of 50 black seats was reached. - With its cost structure in line with any post deregulation upstart carrier, the airline began competing effectively with legacy carriers. - The Skeleton mocks everyone, including Fleming, but keeps them in line with his telepathy. - The introductory paragraph is left exactly the same as in the unqualified opinion, while the scope and the opinion paragraphs receive a slight modification in line with the qualification in the explanatory paragraph. - Under Fascism, patronizing workers at work and at home was in line with the corporative design of the regime. - The aim is to reduce the thickness of the upright stems of the hedgerow trees by cutting away the wood on one side of the stem and in line with the course of the hedge. - The first bay on the near side was tidied up so the top of the window was in line with all the other side windows. - In line with the development of its airline industry, Evergreen has become the first Taiwanese enterprise to gain a worldwide foothold in the hotel industry.

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