Finite In Sentences - Examples Of Finite In Sentences
Search your words in sentences - The Union union of any number of open sets must be open, and the union of a finite number of closed sets must be closed. - In Hilbert spaces, these methods can be used with any finite or infinite number of dimensions. - If a group contains finitely many elements, then it is called a finite group. - The idea is that it is possible to add the infinite number of derivatives and come up with a single finite sum. - There are two kinds of finite simple groups in the list of finite simple groups. - Electric stove burners may be controlled by a rotary switch with a finite number of positions. - The set of natural numbers is not an alphabet because as it is not finite. - Countable sets include all sets with a finite number of members. - Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations. - Indeed, proponents of a set carrying capacity for the Earth may argue that, given current technology, there is a finite limit to how much the BRICs can develop before exceeding the ability of the global economy to supply. - However, natural gas is a finite resource. - He was known for his work in finite group theory. - This statement works well for sets with a finite number of elements. - One kind is finite sequences, which have an end. - It does not go towards a single finite value. - Countable sets include all sets with a finite number of members, no matter how many. - For results where the rounded result would overflow the result for a directed rounding is either the appropriate signed infinity, or the highest representable positive finite number, depending on the direction of rounding. - The problem with this is that a finite automaton cannot handle back references. - If there are a finite number of elements, the median is easy to find. - In the field of electromagnetism, flux is usually the integral of a vector quantity over a finite surface. - You do not need to use the axiom of choice if the starting set is finite, or if the starting set is infinite and has a rule built in for how it can be divided. - An introduction to the mathematical theory of finite elements. - For finite sets, this axiom can be proved from the other axioms, but not for infinite sets. - Another definition is to say a set is finite if its cardinality is a natural number. - The speed of light was found to be very fast, but at a finite speed. - The cardinality of a finite set is a natural number. - If all the rooms are filled, it might appear that no more guests can be taken in, as in a hotel with a finite number of rooms. - A set is called semidecidable, if the algorithm described above can only decide if an element is in the set or is not in the set in finite time, but not both. - He believed that it would be impossible to add an infinityinfinite number of values and get a single finite value as a result. - There is no record of the finite strength of the distilled spirits in the context of its sale to or consumption by Native Americans. - A function is computable if there is an algorithm that can work out its result in a finite number of steps. - While the ease of setting up a problem using finite elements and getting a solution is the reason for its popularity, it is also the cause of its frequent misuse and distrust of the answers obtained. - Alphabets are important because they are used in studying formal languages, finite automata and very difficult questions in computer science about what can be computed and what can not. - It is about large numbers of random variables with the same distribution, each with an identical finite variance and expected value. - For finite sets the cardinality is a simple number. - Each in her finite circle rolls. - A thixotropic fluid is a fluid which takes a finite time to attain equilibrium viscosity when introduced to a step change in shear rate. - His theory predicts that electricity, light, and gravity have finite propagation delays. - The finite element method and its reliability. - This shows how we can find a room for a new guest even if the hotel is already full, something that could not happen in any hotel with a finite number of rooms. - He is known for his work in the field of finite groups. - IPv4 addresses will run out, because the number of possible addresses is finite. - Ordinary closure is called finite closure. - That of a geometric sequence is, if it is finite. - It can be proved that every group of finite order is a group of symmetries. - This puts the finite verb as the root of all sentence structure.