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Internment In Sentences - Examples Of Internment In Sentences

visibility 9 views calendar_month Apr 13, 2024
Search your words in sentences - The internment system grew rapidly, reaching a population of 100,000 in the 1920s. - Japanese Americans were given only 48 hours to leave for internment camps in other states. - Between 1942 and 1945, Roosevelt signed an order which made Japanese Americans go to internment camps. - After Canada declared war on Japan, it also forced people with Japanese ancestry into internment camps. - IJNetwork is the only organization working with prisonerrs in the United States prison, Bagram Theater Internment Facility in Afghanistan. - Liddell died from brain cancer on 21 February 1945 at the Japanese run Weixian Internment Camp in Weifang at the age of 43. - Following the meeting, Tim heads outside Gotham City to an internment camp that is holding all people captured by Brother Eye. - The site was also used as an Ukrainian Canadian internment for enemy aliens, mainly eastern Europeans. - Several appeals were brought before the Supreme Court challenging specific internment orders that were made under the Unlawful Combatants Law. - Seeing a use for him, the commandant assigns him to help load Jewish children on trains leading out of the internment camp, with the promise his case will be reviewed. - On 3 September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany, and the British War Department in Hong Kong designated the La Salle College campus as an internment camp for German nationals arrested in Hong Kong that same day. - They focused not on documented property losses but on the broader injustice and mental suffering caused by the internment. - Wodehouse made radio broadcasts about his internment, which were broadcast from Berlin. - Winzen emigrated to the United States in 1937 and spent time during the war in internment camps. - These artificially created refugees were packed into several internment camps subject to military control, which in reality meant military abuse. - On 22 October 1940, 110 of the last Jewish residents were deported to Gurs internment camp in France. - Unlike World War I, the initial aim of internment was to identify and intern those who posed a particular threat to the safety or defence of the country. - His business collapsed as a result of his internment. - On October 22, 1940 the remaining Jews of Baden and Pfalz were deported to Gurs internment camp in southern France. - Dozens of movies were filmed about and in the internment camps; these relate the experiences of interns or were made by former camp interns. - The inflicting of suffering, harassment, social isolation, imprisonment, internment, fear, or pain are all factors that may establish persecution. - At the outbreak of the First World War, Lindemann was playing tennis in Germany and had to leave in haste to avoid internment. - They were consigned to internment in Mountjoy Prison. - Also beginning in early 1941, Noel Field established an extensive medical program to provide aid to Jewish refugees in hiding, those waiting to emigrate, or those held in internment camps. - About half of the Aleuts died during the period of internment. - For a healthy person there is no fate more terrible than indefinite internment in a mental hospital. - To fund the internment itself, vehicles, houses, and personal belongings were also sold. - Later, Archer meets a Suliban called Danik, who tells him that they are in Detention Complex 26, an internment camp for Suliban imprisoned when the Cabal began attacking the Tandaran Sector eight years previously. - The wall features inscriptions of the names of the ten major internment camps where over 120,000 Japanese Americans were confined. - This appears to be a passive resistance to internment and arbitrary authority, though K may be only vaguely aware of his motives. - Sometimes he went further, going into internment camps to get Jews out, hiding them in his home, and helping them get forged passports. - His body was carried through Orior on its way to internment at Armagh. - In 1921, he was released from the internment camp and returned to his native Germany. - Buildings were converted to internment camps for the Dutch. - The predominance of children and the circumstances of their internment cast doubt on whether the remains were in fact victims of the air raid. - He and his wife Mary were intensively active, alongside anarchist and Quaker friends, in working to help California Japanese avoid internment in 1942 and lessen its harm. - Brainin and Schidlof met in a United Kingdom internment camp. - Internment and extra judicial activities surrounding Irish Republicanism.
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