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Buttercup In Sentences - Examples Of Buttercup In Sentences

visibility 41 views calendar_month Feb 28, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Buttercup guesses that he is the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, and is angry with him for killing Westley. - A cartoon character from television series was also named Buttercup. - Westley and Buttercup share a kiss. - A beautiful young woman named Buttercup lives on a farm, in a land called Florin. - Corcoran will marry Buttercup. - Buttercup is sad and angry with Humperdinck when she learns that he has not tried to find Westley. - When Buttercup expresses unhappiness at marrying Humperdinck, he promises to search for Westley. - Little Buttercup now reveals her secret. - Buttercup correctly guesses he is the Dread Pirate Roberts and berates him for killing Westley. - Goldman said he wrote the first chapter about Buttercup which ran for about 20 pages. - Five years later, Buttercup is forced to become betrothed to Prince Humperdinck, the heir to the throne of Florin. - Buttercup decides to commit suicide when she reaches the honeymoon suite. - Westley reaches Buttercup before she commits suicide. - Having found Buttercup, Westley wants to surrender the title to another. - Buttercup then proceeds to knock out the teeth of numerous villains, and starts hoarding the money she receives. - Buttercup learns that Humperdinck never sent any ships, and taunts him with her enduring love for Westley. - Then Buttercup comes along and allows the rabbits to stay at her warren, right near man. - She is a shy and dreamy Flowertot in comparison to her twin sister Buttercup. - The Sorcerer falls in love with Little Buttercup, while Rose Maybud and Dick are reunited. - She is a calm fairy that loves to live in the Buttercup Canyon of the Pixie Hollow. - You may want to explore those motivations elsewhere buttercup! - Deadeye presumaby is talking about thinking about that a fair exterior may hide a foul interior, rather than relating it to Buttercup either in the past or presently. - She has an ugly cat named Buttercup. - Buttercup Bakeries, a division of Goodman Fielders Australian Ltd, commissioned Maurice to make a large toast billboard. - She admires Rolling Bubbles and Powered Buttercup, but shows little favor for Hyper Blossom who, unbeknownst to her, is actually her own sister. - In the English dub, they are simply called Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup regardless of whether they are transformed or not. - Adjacent, but outside the boundary of the present today park are two open spaces; the War Memorial Deer Park at Spixworth Road and the Buttercup Meadow at the junction of Oak Lane and Spixworth Road. - Later that night, Austin sleepily goes to the bathroom at a Washington rest stop and gets on the wrong tour bus with a group of screaming Buttercup Girls. - trail head of Buttercup Valley were installed and several bridges replaced. - He always hangs out with Billie, who both live up in buttercup meadow. - I had thought it was a buttercup, but on looking at images of buttercups in a field, they are far more dispersed than in the photo. - The thief turns out to be a horse named Buttercup, who was brought in for an animal rescue demonstration. - Character is always referred to by her common name Buttercup, or Blossom and Bubbles. - Meanwhile, Buttercup gives Sage a thoughtful Armor Day gift of a diorama representing how they first met, but Sage gives her nothing. - In one sentence of the article, it mentioned that Levine was a member of a group called Buttercup that wrote a popular song. - A distracted Buttercup misses the fight and has to rescue her sisters alone and toughen up more if she wants to beat Man Boy again. - This peatland is approximately 3 hectares in size, dominated by sphagnum, sedge and northern flowers such as the golden buttercup. - This backfires when he accidentally touches a poisonous Meddlesome Myrtle and is infected with rashes and swelling, much to the Buttercup scouts horror. - Did I say I believe you were keeping track of them buttercup? - Newton falls for the female newt, whom he names Buttercup, and Norman is terrified by the two giant creatures that have suddenly appeared. - Cake suggests that Applejack get her ingredients from the same sources Buttercup used. - By the final scene, Sage and Buttercup join Arc, Ciara, Prudence, and Warwick into being knighted. - Meanwhile, Blossom and Buttercup deal with Schedulebot and Buttercup buries him alive. - He was much more buttercup sandwiches and pixies. - On the day of the knighting, Sage and Buttercup have gotten jobs as meat vendors. - He likes buttercup ball and while he is not very good at playing he can draw up winning plays for his friends.
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