In Parallel In Sentences - Examples Of In Parallel In Sentences
Search your words in sentences - It could be argued that the two scenes developed in parallel. - In parallel to his career as a painter, Elbaz is also known as a filmmaker. - The act also established five local commissioning groups which work in parallel with the health and social care trusts. - A rivalry with Nick Bockwinkel also took place in parallel, recording a no contest and a victory. - From 1973 he was a Member of the European Parliament in parallel to the Bundestag. - In 1969, Honeywell introduced its first Multics system, a symmetric multiprocessor system capable of running up to eight processors in parallel. - These stem cells differentiate and fuse to generate new muscle fibers both in parallel and in series to increase force generation capacity. - The Samaritan Pentateuch stands alongside the Hebrew in parallel columns. - Decoration includes wavy and zigzag lines, often in parallel. - Knowledge of leakage inductance is also useful when transformers are operated in parallel. - He and Hofmannsthal worked on music and words in parallel, each receiving inspiration from the other. - In the formal model, all possible outcomes are considered together, in parallel. - From the table it can be seen that a negative admittance would require an inductor, connected in parallel with the transmission line. - Latin continues to be used in parallel. - The solutions stream through in parallel, with little mixing. - The Second Army then commenced a dash across France in parallel with the Americans on its right, and the Canadians on its left. - This occurred in parallel with developments in Cub. - In parallel, Gonzalo Muga and Andreas Ruschhaupt independently developed a similar concept. - The simplest tuner consists of an inductor and capacitor connected in parallel, where the capacitor or inductor is made to be variable. - It is justified by new communications methods that can carry 16, 32, 64, and even 128 bits in parallel. - The stations carry out their tasks in parallel, each on a different car. - After the array has been partitioned, the two partitions can be sorted recursively in parallel. - A bidirectional cell can be built, but it is basically equivalent to two unidirectional cells connected in parallel. - In this case, the two wire coils are closely spaced and wound in parallel but are electrically isolated from each other. - They argued that the two objectives were equally important and should be pursued in parallel. - The hydrogen bond arrangement in parallel beta sheet resembles that in an amide ring motif with 11 atoms. - Using this information, the iterations are grouped into levels such that iterations belonging to the same level are independent of each other, and can be executed in parallel. - Several distributed architecture SCADAs running in parallel, with a single supervisor and historian, could be considered a network architecture. - In the transmitter section two output valves are used in parallel. - In parallel to these developments, the other kind of sporangium, the microsporangium, produces microspores. - The same voltage is applied to all circuit components connected in parallel. - This improves the compression of partially or completely incompressible files and allows multithreaded compression and multithreaded decompression by breaking the file into runs that can be compressed or decompressed independently in parallel. - They may exist in parallel within the same person but do also occur alone. - This principle applies to capacitors in parallel or to inductors in series. - Already deeply involved with the communists, in parallel with his legal practice he became a courier for the underground movement. - In parallel to shortening, a technique known as puncturing allows omitting some of the encoded parity symbols. - Occasionally the introduction will engage in parallel 3rds, 6ths, etc. - In addition, numerous technical committees and subcommittees met in parallel to work on the details. - It grew in parallel with the growth of cosmopolitan Madras. - With a clustered file system, each node mounts the file system in parallel and access to the files goes directly from the node to the file system. - For multiple basic operations the subtasks can be processed in parallel by assigning each subtask to a separate processor. - All these local languages and local language groups existed long before Standard German, and developed in parallel since the latter came into existence. - The overhead line sections use twin conductors connected in parallel.