Contraction In Sentences Example Of Contraction In Sentences How To Use Contraction In Sentences

visibility 527 views calendar_month Dec 6, 2023

Search your words in sentences This occurs when the intensity of the forced involuntary eccentric contraction upon landing is greater than the muscles can withstand. Following amputation, most annelids are capable of sealing their body via rapid muscular contraction. It will also exhibit an increasing Lorentz contraction in an external inertial frame, that is, in the external frame the endpoints of the body are not accelerating simultaneously. The wedge formed by thermal contraction of the ground which opened a crack in winter. A metrizable uniform space, for example, may have a different set of Contraction mapping than a metric space to which it is homeomorphic. But with the contraction of this industry after the cold war, Lawndale reverted to its previous pattern. Contraction in Greek occurs throughout the present and imperfect of contracted verbs and in the future of other verbs. The pressure required to flatten a section of the wall correlates with the internal pressure, thereby providing an estimate of contraction. The new theory envisions a smooth transition from a previous period of contraction to the current period of expansion, avoiding any need for inflation and evading the infamous cosmic singularity problem associated with a big bang. Reciprocal innervation describes skeletal muscles as existing in antagonistic pairs, with contraction of one muscle producing forces opposite to those generated by contraction of the other. Once the patient was delivering the baby, they would only feel the first half of the contraction and be on the border of unconsciousness, but not fully there. For instance, movements of the proteins actin and myosin ultimately are responsible for the contraction of skeletal muscle. Typically initiated by a Premature atrial contraction, atrial flutter is propagated due to differences in Refractory period of atrial tissue. It is important to note that intracellular calcium causes muscular contraction in contractile cells, and is the effector ion. As a first approximation, the regions of contraction and dilation are separated by the critical state line. This converts thermal expansion and contraction in two dissimilar solids to mechanical work. A natural extension of these ideas is a neverbeginning and neverending cyclic universe in which epochs of bounce, expansion, and contraction repeat at regular intervals. When poured and cast this slight contraction means the resulting model is slightly larger and as such creates space for the luting cement. The posterior portion has fibers which run horizontally and contraction of this portion results in retrusion of the mandible. The interaction of myosin and actin is responsible for muscle contraction. When the final vowel of a word is long due to contraction, it receives the stress instead of the preceding syllable. Muscle energy techniques address somatic dysfunction through stretching and muscle contraction. This is because the sensory component is intact on both sides, but only the motor nerves supplying one side of the soft palatine and pharyngeal muscles is working, therefore the contraction of the muscles in the reflex is asymmetrical. Once this is lost the contraction stops and myocytic cells relax, which in turn relaxes the heart muscle. Areas noted of common place contraction of the virus include townships and along the River Murray areas. It was proposed that rubber particles might gather around crack tips under tension and impede the growth of crack, or the contraction of rubber particles induced the decline of glass transformation temperature of the matrix. The contraction of both balls and plate over the range of temperatures involved would not be particularly large. Moore, a real estate man, in 1878, and named with a contraction of his name. On the floor is a lobate scarp that was formed as a result of contraction of the lava. During contraction of muscle, rapidly cycling crossbridges form between activated actin and phosphorylated myosin, generating force. Why do moving bodies exhibit length contraction? Slip joints are common under conditions where temperature changes can cause expansion and contraction that may overstress a structure. Force applied to a muscle stimulates the muscle spindles which activate protective reflexes resulting in contraction of that muscle. The motor nerves associated with these neurons innervate extrafusal fibers and are responsible for muscle contraction.

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