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Sustaining In Sentences - Examples Of Sustaining In Sentences

visibility 10 views calendar_month Jan 5, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Ferguson hit the inside wall in the southchute hard, sustaining a broken toe. - They faced the challenge of financially sustaining the war in France. - The right landing gear collapsed and the right wing hit the ground, sustaining damage to the wing structure. - Corporate communication policies are essential in sustaining an organization. - He averaged a point per game in 14 contests for his new club before sustaining a season ending eye injury. - The main sources of energy may be red giant stars and white and red dwarf stars, sustaining life for 1. - Going down the stairs, he trips over Tina, who is lying on one of the treads, and falls, sustaining fatal injuries. - Although it incorporates sulfur, it is in fact fairly stable, sustaining multiple hits from a hammer onto a hard surface. - If Wikipedia were viewed as worth sustaining. - Both occupants of the other car were seriously injured, sustaining brain damage as a result of the crash. - We are concerned with health, not just health care, education, child welfare, sustaining a productive environment and an ecological balance, and of course Canada and Canadians. - He inflicted 25,000 casualties on a numerically superior enemy army while sustaining fewer than 7,000 in his own force. - In practice, sustaining a fission nuclear chain reaction with fast neutrons means using relatively enriched uranium or plutonium. - In the technology mudslide hypothesis, Christensen differentiated disruptive innovation from sustaining innovation. - As a result, the core columns were slowly being crushed, sustaining Deformation and creep deformation from the weight of floors above. - This design allowed the craft to support its weight on land without sustaining any serious damage to its structure. - A similar thing can be said of animals, in what they add up to sustaining biological life. - The players that mentally manage the grind of the Tour and are able to stay in love with the sport are the ones that have the best chance of sustaining a good career. - She was later honorably discharged with distinction after sustaining a foot injury during service. - The classical view for which Keynes made Say a mouthpiece held that the value of wages was equal to the value of the goods produced, and that the wages were inevitably put back into the economy sustaining demand at the level of current production. - It was his third injury in battle, after sustaining an ankle injury at Puketapu and a shoulder wound at Ngatapa. - Fighting around Caen continued for much of the month, with the battalion sustaining significant casualties. - The concept was once local actors see the value of the program, sustaining investment in debate would become easier. - Second, the royal treasury was financially destitute to a crippling degree, leaving it incapable of sustaining its own imposed reforms. - However, if the trend continues it could create a self sustaining reaction, which would likely spread more radioactive dust and debris through the New Safe Confinement, making future cleanup even more difficult. - It is capable of being beached in an emergency without sustaining damage to engines or steering gear. - Seven months after sustaining these injuries she still had not fully recovered. - This is an area known to have considerable fish stocks, sustaining an active fisheries industry. - Clarkson was crushed against a wall by the swinging pump, sustaining severe internal injuries. - Some may go without visiting water for weeks or months, sustaining their body moisture from food and from rainwater collected in temporary rock pools. - Although she only stood off the beaches for 15 days out of that period, she claimed eight enemy planes while sustaining only minor damage herself. - On the first day of battle, the British army razed down four villages with some of their men sustaining fatal injuries. - Navy, sustaining varied, but mostly minor, damage. - Another sustaining factor is the obligatory roles placed on wives and what they come to understand as their duty. - The group staged a few live performances in Los Angeles, but the difficulty of replicating the album in concert posed a large enough challenge to dissuade Boettcher from sustaining the band. - However, the bullet fails to kill Lono, who then fled the Medici property, sustaining multiple severe injuries in the process. - Representations guide the human and material interactions creating, sustaining, and destroying places.

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