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Calculator In Sentences - Examples Of Calculator In Sentences

visibility 1K views calendar_month Feb 28, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Graphing calculators are usually bigger and more expensive than a basic calculator, but it can do more. - A calculator is a machine which allows people to do math operations more easily. - She was one of the first people to work with modern digital computers and the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I calculator. - If you try this on your calculator, sometimes it may make a rounding error at the end. - It was a calculator able to work out many kinds of problems in astronomy. - It was founded in 1946, and in 1957 released the first electric compact calculator. - The obelus is also used alone to represent the division operation itself, as in the case of a label on a key of a calculator. - These included a calculator, a notepad, and more. - Pascal invented a form of counting machine which helped inventors create the calculator in the 20th century. - This lets anyone to program the calculator to do whatever he or she wants. - Further documentaries show other items, such as the mechanical Curta calculator, 24 December 2014 devices with Nixie tube displays, 15 March 2010 wire recording, 3 July 2016 and the WikiReader. - For instance, your calculator may say that, even though there is no 7. - Many PDAs can work as an address book, a calculator, a clock, and a calendar. - In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard made a mechanical calculator. - Shakuntala Devi was an Indian writer and mental calculator. - The calculator section has 38 problems to be done in 55 minutes. - It took a long time for computers be used for many uses, instead of just a calculator only for working out one hard problem. - The use of slide rules continued to grow through the 1950s and 1960s even as computerdigital computing devices were gradually introduced; but around 1974 the pocket calculator made the slide rule largely obsolete and most suppliers left the business. - A calculator can also be used to perform arithmetic. - For example a doorbell rings when a person pushes a button, or numbers are displayed on a calculator or even when you are playing a machine game at an arcade. - A pocket calculator is a small calculator that helps people do arithmetic. - Some of his ideas were a helicopter, a tank, a calculator, a parachute, a robot, a telephone, evolution, and solar power. - The user can make a program directly with the calculator, or transfer one from a computer. - Your average calculator can out smart you in arithmetic. - Just like that weird button on the calculator that always gives a random deciaml... - This was probably unique in a calculator. - Method 2 works well when using a calculator. - No computer or calculator programs or applications are allowed on the iTest, though graphing calculator use is allowed. - Another character is seen using an electronic calculator. - The mathematical principles are identical to those on the E6B calculator used to this day. - Katapult doubles as a quick calculator, spell checker, and document viewer. - It also supports limited Scientific calculator, such as parentheses, fixed decimal, fractions, pi, and exponents. - He smiles and nods and stores it all away in that wonderful calculator of a brain. - Practical gears in the computing parts of a calculator cannot have 90 teeth. - While Ray is in remission, he threatens Calculator who tells him that something called the Colony has manipulated Ray. - The primary markets then were Calculator, Watch and digital clocks. - Wilhelm Schickard designed and constructed the first working mechanical calculator in 1623. - Calculator is then thrown out of the hospital by guards. - While the math can be done by hand or with a calculator, it is far more common to use one of several computerized methods for entering and synthesizing the judgments. - is a major one that offers thousands of calculator programs. - The same is true for Windows Calculator. - In the interim he worked on his ideas for designing a more reliable calculator. - Pemberton then asked William Waring, a Philadelphia mathematician and ephemeris calculator. - When the user is unsure how a calculator will interpret an expression, it is a good idea to use parentheses so there is no ambiguity. - Also included is a calculator and the Security tool to hide records for private use. - The company obtained a patent on calculator technology in 1923 and two more in 1930. - It allows calculator software programmers to debug their software with ease. - By linking these wheels with carry mechanisms a new kind of calculator engine was invented.
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