Fulfilled In Sentences - Examples Of Fulfilled In Sentences

visibility 90 views calendar_month Feb 26, 2024

Search your words in sentences https://englishteststore.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20211&Itemid=1131 - The Dark Champion appears and declares that he also will enter the contest and that he has hidden four more warriors, preventing the contest from truly being fulfilled. - Upon making his 110th start of the 2008 season, Kendall fulfilled the option in his contract, securing himself a spot in the Brewers lineup in 2009. - The main imam , who existed in Visoko, fulfilled religious duties and duties to society. - A third, unspecific degree also exists, which is fulfilled by the personal pronouns, but see further below on pronominal adverbs. - The premises had previously fulfilled a number of different institutional purposes. - Many Muslims believe their wishes are fulfilled after they offer prayer or service at a dargah of the saint they follow. - Its original purpose was not to be fulfilled for many years. - OR230 would never be fulfilled, and was ultimately cancelled on 17 September 1952. - Currently, the regiment consists of seven battalions and has fulfilled various roles including those of light, parachute, motorised and mechanised infantry. - The promise is fulfilled in the biblical book of Joshua when the Israelites cross the Jordan river into the promised land for the first time. - When a religious form has fulfilled its mission, it begins to degenerate and dies, then a new messenger appears and delivers a doctrine appropriate for that culture. - Once the constituent assembly had fulfilled its mandate of approving a new constitution, it should have arranged for regular parliamentary elections and adjourned. - Dudjom Rinpoche fulfilled that role to help preserve the Nyingma lineage. - The fifth squadron was redesignated as an operations support squadron, but fulfilled essentially the same functions as the old student squadron. - For Christians, Samuel is considered to be a prophet, judge, and wise leader of Israel, and treated as an example of fulfilled commitments to God. - After a heroic burial and a period of mourning, Theseus proclaims that Palamon should marry Emelye, and thus two prayers are fulfilled. - On July 1, 2009 General Motors filed for bankruptcy, which was fulfilled on July 10, 2009. - Mills fulfilled his contractual obligation, coming to the empty park each day and performing a physical workout to remain in playing condition. - He fulfilled this task until 1640. - After the wedding, Keaggy fulfilled a lifelong dream by jamming with McCartney in a bedroom at the Eastman family estate, site of the wedding. - However, due to political circumstances, the plan was never fulfilled. - Beren told Thingol that the quest was, indeed, fulfilled, and that he held a Silmaril in his hand. - Vitaly leaves the courthouse, listening to music, and dissipates into the Twilight, his purpose fulfilled. - The Court will examine only marginally whether the principle is fulfilled. - The youngest son Scythes fulfilled the requirements and became the founder and eponym of the Scythians. - Fulfilled prophecy shows beyond a doubt that he did appear in 1874 ... - Everyone teams up and works together to shut it down except Shadow, who is unsympathetic and believes he has fulfilled his purpose of revenge. - They gained mastery over the limitations of the Plane s, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma . - We can not do so as they consider Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah who has fulfilled the Messianic promises. - Courts fulfilled administrative, as well as judicial, functions, and on the manorial level its decisions could concern mundane field management, not just legal disputes. - They must also be accommodating, meaning they provide for the wants of their inhabitants, and all occupants feel their needs have been fulfilled. - This promise was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost and elsewhere as the church spread. - Thus, the hope that his route would be workable was fulfilled. - This has been fulfilled to the letter despite there have been more finalists than what was planned. - However, the interim process put in place under Oslo had fulfilled neither Israeli nor Palestinian expectations. - Their purpose had been largely fulfilled; Mao and his radical colleagues had largely overturned establishment power. - I have the conviction of having always fulfilled my duties as King in all the circumstances and of having put my heart and my life on the service to the Country. - The economy had not yet fulfilled the promise of the image. - The Israelites answered that the one lying in the coffin had fulfilled that which was written on what lay in the Ark.

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