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Reorganize In Sentences - Example Of Reorganize In Sentences - How To Use Reorganize In Sentences

visibility 25 views calendar_month Dec 16, 2023

Search your words in sentences Still later, while continuing to reorganize and retrain, the unit was assigned to defend a sector of the west coast. All sources are stored digitally, with shows captured and segregated into individual elements to reorganize for future repeats and syndication. Possibly rename or reorganize if a better title is suggested. Mr Hofmeyr, who had chosen to spend the greater part of the war period in Europe, returned to the Cape to reorganize the Bond. Often these charges ended with the enemy infantry routed, at this point infantry would advance to secure the area and allow the cavalry to briefly rest and reorganize. The pasha also attempted to reorganize his troops on European lines, but this led to a formidable mutiny in Cairo. The pause also allowed the commanding officer to reorganize the battalion in preparation for future operations. But, the time is right to reformat and reorganize the article. General Homma on February 8 ordered the suspension of offensive operations in order to reorganize his forces. We have agreed to disagree on the organization and overall structure of the article; in my opinion your refusal to reorganize constitutes a perfectly valid reason to object on the grounds of not being good writing. Periodical attempts to institutionally reorganize the disparate Religious Society of Friends into more theologically congenial organizations took place, but generally failed. The government set out to reorganize completely all judicial procedures and establish codes of criminal law and judicial procedure as quickly as possible. He attempted to reorganize the tax system, but because this entailed abolition of the old, federal arrangements, he met strong resistance. The smaller the opening, the longer it will take for him to reorganize his mass upon reaching the other side. Board member Carol Lazier was chosen as acting president; she proposed that the opera reorganize rather than shut down. Instead, he attempted to reorganize Paraguay in accordance with the wishes of the lower classes and other marginalized groups. As Ellis retreated to the north, Faye began to reorganize with tropical storm status reattained on the morning of August 28 and typhoon status reached that night. The hope was the government would intervene to reorganize and rationalize the industry, and raise the subsidy. Reorganize the day college into a department of Korean Literature, a department of English Literature, a department of Domestic Science, a department of Music, and a department of pharmacy. In the 1990s the government attempted to reorganize the public transport system. The gang reorganize the weapons cabinet, bored and anxious for a job. The intendant was to reorganize New France. The first step toward achieving this goal was to reorganize the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing so that it would reflect an active wing. Taking a day to recover, the system attempted to reorganize and became a tropical storm early on December 3. Drawing on his experience as an instructor at Fort Sill, he helped reorganize the previously ineffective corps artillery, helping mold it into a decisive arm. I am fully within my capacity to reorganize my talk page as I see fit. After a slumping 1992 season, the Truesports organization decided to reorganize its assets. Reorganize, possibly by just shortening from 3 paras to 1. The yard is designed to take incoming trains and reorganize and rejoin the individual cars based on destination to create new departing trains. of Maharashtra to reorganize Erstwhile History of Maharashtra State Electricity Board. Feel free to relist after a suitable amount of time has been given for those who wish to reorganize this. In essence he was conducting practical research by being allowed to reorganize each pilot school along slightly different models and then measure performance differences. It will be possible to decided how to reorganize these pages after the merger will take a place. Realizing possible American hostility, he began to reorganize the Filipino revolutionary forces. With 50 percent casualties, the platoon maneuvered to a position of cover to treat their wounded and reorganize, while Pfc. The hedge fund recently announced plans to reorganize as a partnership. The move itself was an opportunity to reorganize and reorder the archives and Kurtz developed her own catalog system for this. So I agree with the prune and reorganize opinions.

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