Brain In Sentences - Examples Of Brain In Sentences
Search your words in sentences - These two halves of the brain are not exactly alike. - For most tasks, both sides of the brain work together. - There, doctors found a problem with a blood vessel in his brain. - This is important because different parts of the brain control different things. - Lakovic was diagnosed with brain cancer in October 2016. - There is a special area in the brain used to processing input of touch. - Many others can damage internal organs like the liver, the kidneys, or the brain. - The lateral sulcus is one of the most prominent structures of the human brain. - De Paul suffered a brain hemorrhage on the morning of 1 October 2014. - She died June 12, 2016 from brain cancer at her home in Encino, Los Angeles, California, age 96. - In the anatomy of developing animals, the brain forms from the neural tube, which turns into three vesicles. - The brain controls the other organ organs of the body, either by activating muscles or by causing secretion of chemicals such as hormones and neurotransmitters. - It is uncommon for the virus to enter the brain or spinal cord. - However, it does not actually touch the brain. - Hackl died from a malignant brain tumor on 1 June 2014 in Vienna, aged 65. - Joseph Medical Center in Burbank after becoming senile, caused by the hardening of his arteries connecting to his brain. - Low blood flow to the brain can make you dizzy, numb, have slurred speech, and have other symptoms. - Other groups do have brain structures that allow for communication between the two hemispheres. - Brain was made principal horn player in both. - It can also refer to the internal sense of having a body which is interpreted by the brain. - If this lasts long enough, the entire brain will be injured by not having enough oxygen. - Glucose is essential in the proper functioning of the brain. - One study has recently been done using monkeys as a model to see if ketamine is toxic to the brain. - Also, scientists measured brain activity of people on the autism spectrum with Functional magnetic resonance imagingfMRI while they were thinking about their own emotions. - Several conditions can cause facial paralysis, such as brain tumors, strokes, and Lyme disease. - Some diseases such as brain disorders or infections may cause a person to have hallucinations. - It can often be linked to a disease or damage done to the brain. - Bleeding from injured organs such as lungs or bowel causes a lack of oxygen in all vital organs, including the brain. - Status epilepticus is a medical emergency because the brain will not get enough oxygen during a long seizure. - These drugs increase the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which can create euphoria. - This is because of the changes in the brain caused by drugs, both when they are being used and the changes they cause over time. - The immediate cause for contagious yawning may be the mirror neurons in the frontal cortex of certain vertebrates, which, upon being exposed to a stimulus, activates the same regions in the brain. - Some brain tumours are of this type. - Because the two side of the brain communicate so intensively, they can afford to specialise in doing somewhat different things. - Generally, the reason for sleep is that the brain has work to do during sleep. - Others get permanent brain damage or other problems. - It is a general tendency that autistic people use the same brain regions as other people but show different activity. - He died due to complications of an aneurysm near the brain, age 53. - Even in small amounts, alcohol slows down the brain. - Only certain things can get through these cells and reach the brain. - Other research into the human brain suggests that the left and right hemispheres, of the brain, differ in their handling of abstraction. - A powerful robot known only as The Brain designs and builds a spaceship that can travel faster than light. - It is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. - The largest part of the human brain by far is the neocortex. - This is caused at high altitude when blood leaks into the brain itself and that can kill a person if the brain becomes too compressed. - For example, the child can have seizures, and their body and brain may not grow normally. - He died more than three weeks later on 25 April 2019 of a brain haemorrhage. - He and the Brain are trying to take over the world. - If the pupils do not do this, it is a sign that the brain is not working correctly.