In Favor Of In Sentences - Examples Of In Favor Of In Sentences

visibility 10 views calendar_month Apr 10, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Contrary to common myth, the Irish did not abandon their Celtic culture in favor of Christianity. - All work must be in favor of the wellness of warriors and their families. - A state may not Discriminationdiscriminate against citizens of other states in favor of its own citizens. - By the 1960s most major cities had shifted away from foot patrols altogether in favor of police cars. - The movement is in favor of gay liberation and against homophobia. - Henry argued in favor of the Two Penny Act. - The case was argued by Norman Dorsen in favor of the juveniles. - Mountain Brook was created after an election was held on March 24, 1942, with 263 voting in favor of incorporation and 67 opposing. - As a doctor, he was in favor of using the Empiricismempirical method, instead of more medieval ideas about medicine. - The Neolithic mainly abandoned this mode in favor of polished, not chipped, stone tools. - He was in favor of giving money to American car companies. - For each house to pass a bill, more than half of its members must vote in favor of passing the bill. - There is sufficient consensus in favor of redirecting the nominated pages to the main island pages. - More generally, the Report made the argument in favor of the sovereignty of the individual states, for which it is best known. - The band is known for their activism in favor of legalizing cannabis, and often performing lyrics about smoking marijuana. - Kerlikowske was not in favor of the legalization of cannabis. - This court ruled strongly in favor of the prisoners. - Miller voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. - The universality of this code is generally regarded by biologists as definitive evidence in favor of the theory of universal common descent. - Other animals, usually but not always predatory animals, have their two eyes positioned on the front of their heads, thereby allowing for binocular vision and reducing their field of view in favor of stereopsis. - Einstein was in favor of the Hebrew University, as well as Zionism and education in general. - Pedro I had to return to Portugal in order to rule over the country as an Emperor and this action made him abdicate from the Brazilian Throne in favor of his son. - After the outbreak of the liberal revolution in his lands in 1821, he abdicated in favor of his brother, Charles Felix. - Even though I would have preferred 250px, after over a week of discussion, consensus seems to be in favor of a compromise. - The endorsement test is a question that you can ask if you think that the government is doing something in favor of religion. - In 2019, he voted in favor of the Equality Act and urged Congress members to do the same. - Napoleon had no choice but to abdicate in favor of his son. - England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have all but done away with civil jury trials in favor of bench trials. - On May 15, 1967, the Supreme Court voted 81 in favor of the Gaults. - Groups in favor of prosperity theology started in the United States in the 1950s. - In an April 1971 televised appearance, Carter was asked if he was in favor of a requirement that candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Georgia would have to run on the same ticket. - Generally, the odds are not in favor of the gambler. - However, the entire part south of Dallas has not been used in favor of Interstate 45. - Reza Shah Pahlavi deposed the last Shah of the Qajar dynasty and was forced out in 1941 in favor of his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. - In 1978, the cards were dropped in favor of flipping panels which had the dollar value on one side and the clue on the other. - In 2012 and more recently in 2017, the people of Puerto Rico voted strongly in favor of becoming the 51st state, but the approval of the United States Congress is also needed. - Starr King spoke in favor of the Union. - Calvinism was popular as well for some time in Scandinavia, especially Sweden, but was rejected in favor of Lutheranism after the synod of Uppsala in 1593. - Voinovich also voted in favor of the Matthew Shepard Act. - Oswiu made the decision in favor of the Roman practice, uniting Northumbria under one religion. - But I have learned not anybody is in favor of the icons or of my choices, I guess. - But other people argue that this view is biased against the Chinese culture in favor of modern Western standards. - The poll ended with over 450,000 votes in favor of the servers; this meant it would not require an additional subscription and would have a small development team.

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