Courtly In Sentences Example Of Courtly In Sentences How To Use Courtly In Sentences

visibility 76 views calendar_month Dec 6, 2023

Search your words in sentences There is little else to say than that this caliph continued to occupy a more or less independent position, with a vizier and courtly surroundings, and supported by only a small force sufficient for an occasional local campaign. In Portugal, Maroto demonstrated to Don Carlos his skills as an expert soldier and as a loyal man without courtly ambitions. Lady Strangelove agrees to marry the newly sane Sir Ferdinando, and Sir Andrew gives up his quest for Courtly and speculative success. These cosmopolitan assemblages exhibited the most praiseworthy elements of both Flemish and Italian Renaissance art, which appealed to his courtly clientele. Shakespeare, similarly to Petrarch, shows an eroticized love to the fair youth, a love that also fits nicely under pretense of courtly love. For instance, Trojan Medieval European writers, unacquainted with Homer at first hand, found in the Troy legend a rich source of heroic and romantic storytelling and a convenient framework into which to fit their own courtly and chivalric ideals. She felt many of the earlier translations suffered from their attempts to make a literal translation in current English of the original stylised and courtly written Gaelic, resulting in language that could be awkward at times. Eleanor of Aquitaine, courtly love, and the troubadours . The character of the minuet is as far from that of a courtly dance as can be imagined. He also cultivated a courtly atmosphere where the king was an elevated figure, and art and culture were at the centre, in contrast to the fraternal, martial court of his grandfather. The ripostes are rather courtly and just because there is a dispute does not necessitate a call for admin action. In the courtly festivities he participated in a tournament modeled after the medieval knightly tournaments. Elements of folk dance invigorate courtly dances and folk dances take over movements and styles from courtly dance. Sassetta was in fact one of the last painters of the Sienese Gothic school, as shown by the use of elongated figures, the delicate colors and the courtly atmosphere. The final section consists of Hanafi legal works and courtly accomplishments. A brave and courtly knight, he was devoted to study, polished in manners, and of blameless morals. He is depicted as courtly in manner, but tolerant, or even supportive, of brutal practices against those found deficient among his own forces, and against enemy prisoners. There he was impressed by the extravagant courtly life at the royal court with its feasting, hunting and travelling. He is also a skilled diplomat who knows how to maneuver in courtly circles. A masque in Renaissance England was a festive courtly entertainment that offered music, dance, elaborate sets, costumes, and drama. The artefacts were produced for the whole range of society from the courtly elite to the merchant class. Blair meets Prince Nicholas in a courtly dance class, and the two disrupt the class by dancing to much faster music. Kawulo dances is lack in Javanese courtly dance discipline, constraints, and refinements. The Garden of Courtly Pleasures was designed to elevate the spirit. The symbols behind these trees are likely to represent a cultural aspect of the Ottoman courtly elite, which explains their frequency and link with Suleiman. Classics concerning courtly love will have similar themes but a different perspective. He was frank, openhearted, and generous, courtly in manner and neat in person. Meytens was one of the most significant Austrian painters of representative Baroque courtly portrait, and through his pupils and followers his influence remained alive and widespread for a long time throughout the whole Empire. It is without doubt a masterpiece of French Middle Ages literature and, in any case, one of the best digests of courtly art of the period. The courtly life, but also the administrative practice in the territory of the Duke of Cleves increasingly followed the Burgundian example. As the themes of the courtly epic had in the meantime become common knowledge for his German listeners, he was able to avoid lengthy explanatory digressions. Other of his works point to equally eclectic sources in courtly and bourgeois songs and instrumental forms. Felice was well educated, became accepted into close courtly circles of aristocratic families, and formed friendships with scholars and poets through her education and genuine interest in humanism.

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