Top 10 Strategies for Learning to Identify Key Points Quickly in TOEFL Reading

Introduction: The Importance of Identifying Key Points

In TOEFL Reading, time is of the essence. Being able to identify key points quickly not only helps you understand the passage better but also saves you valuable time. Today, I’ll be sharing 10 strategies that will significantly improve your ability to do just that.

1. Skim the Passage First

Before diving into the details, give the passage a quick skim. Look for headings, subheadings, and any formatting that stands out. This will give you a general idea of the structure and main ideas.

2. Pay Attention to the Opening and Closing Sentences

The first and last sentences of a paragraph often contain the main idea or a summary. By focusing on these sentences, you can quickly grasp the key point without getting lost in the supporting details.

3. Highlight or Underline Keywords

As you read, use a highlighter or underline important keywords. These can be specific terms, names, dates, or any words that seem significant. This visual aid will make it easier to locate key information later.

4. Look for Signal Words

Signal words like ‘however,’ ‘in contrast,’ ‘similarly,’ or ‘therefore’ indicate a shift in the passage. These words often precede or follow a key point, making them valuable clues for identification.

5. Identify the Author’s Purpose

Understanding why the author wrote the passage can help you identify the main points. Is it to inform, persuade, or compare? By recognizing the purpose, you can focus on the most relevant information.

6. Use Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings act as signposts, guiding you to the main ideas. They provide a clear structure and can be used as a reference when you need to locate specific information quickly.

7. Practice Active Reading

Don’t just passively read the passage. Engage with the text by asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing what you’ve read. This active approach keeps you focused and enhances comprehension.

8. Pay Attention to Repetition

If a certain word or idea is repeated throughout the passage, it’s likely a key point. Repetition is often used to emphasize important information, so take note of it.

9. Understand the Passage Structure

TOEFL Reading passages usually have a clear structure, such as cause and effect, problem and solution, or chronological order. Recognizing this structure can help you anticipate the key points.

10. Review and Summarize

After reading the passage, take a moment to review and summarize the main ideas. This not only reinforces your understanding but also helps in retaining the information for later use.

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