Top 10 English Idioms for Correction Officer

1. Behind Bars

This idiom refers to someone being in prison or jail. As a correction officer, you’ll often come across individuals who are behind bars, and understanding this idiom will help you communicate effectively.

2. Lock and Key

When something is under lock and key, it means it’s securely locked away. As a correction officer, you’ll deal with sensitive information and objects that need to be kept under lock and key.

3. On the Straight and Narrow

This idiom means someone is living an honest and lawful life. It’s essential for correction officers to guide and encourage inmates to stay on the straight and narrow.

4. Break the Ice

To break the ice means to initiate a conversation or interaction. Building rapport with inmates is crucial, and knowing how to break the ice can make a significant difference.

5. Keep a Lid On

When you keep a lid on something, you’re keeping it under control or secret. As a correction officer, maintaining control and confidentiality is part of your job.

6. In the Hot Seat

Being in the hot seat means being in a position of scrutiny or under pressure. In certain situations, you may find yourself in the hot seat as a correction officer, and handling it calmly is crucial.

7. Call the Shots

To call the shots means to be in charge or make the decisions. As a correction officer, you’ll have to take charge of various situations and call the shots.

8. Get a Taste of Your Own Medicine

This idiom means experiencing the same negative treatment that one has given to others. It’s a reminder to treat everyone, including inmates, with fairness and respect.

9. Go the Extra Mile

Going the extra mile means putting in additional effort or doing more than what is expected. In your role as a correction officer, going the extra mile can make a significant impact.

10. Keep Your Nose Clean

To keep your nose clean means to stay out of trouble or avoid any wrongdoing. It’s crucial for correction officers to maintain a clean record and set an example for others.

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