“zoroastrian” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “zoroastrian”:

– The Zoroastrian Deitygod is called Ahura Mazda.

– As elected representative of the Zoroastrian community, he was an active member of the Iranian parliament.

– Avesta Avesta, the old book of Zoroastrianism mentions Herat as “Haroyu” and lists it as the sixth land of the sixteen perfect lands created by Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian god.

– This role is already alluded to in Zoroastrian scripture.

– Raja Dahir had given refuge to many Zoroastrian Princes who had fled the Islamic conquest of Iran.

zoroastrian in sentences?
zoroastrian in sentences?

Example sentences of “zoroastrian”:

– The school’s establishment was supported by Keikhosrow Shahrokh, the Zoroastrian representative in Iranian Parliament.

– The country also has a large Atheismatheist and agnostic population, and there are also large about O.6 million Hinduism follower and some small group of Jain, Buddhist and Zoroastrian communities.

– Mazda’s company name is derived from Matsuda Jujirou who was the founder of this company, and the Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda.

– Some historians believe that the Three Wise Men who visited Jesus after he was born were Zoroastrian priests.

– Zoroaster, the founder of the Zoroastrian religion, the world’s earliest monotheistic religion, around 1000 B.C.

– The Baloch tribes gradually embraced Islam, replacing their centuries-old Zoroastrian religion.

– Some historians point its building to very old storybook royal family, and some others believe that Rey was the seat of a house of Zoroastrian leader.

– They were not Hindus or Muslims, but were of the Zoroastrian religion.

– Most of the Zoroastrian clergy regarded his teaching as a heresy.

– This school was built in 1932, on Zoroastrian land.

– It is also noted that Zoroastrian wind god Vayu-Vata took on the iconographic appearance of Shiva.

- The school's establishment was supported by Keikhosrow Shahrokh, the Zoroastrian representative in Iranian Parliament.

- The country also has a large Atheismatheist and agnostic population, and there are also large about O.6 million Hinduism follower and some small group of Jain, Buddhist and Zoroastrian communities.
- Mazda's company name is derived from Matsuda Jujirou who was the founder of this company, and the Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda.

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