“wrong” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “wrong”:

– I do not know whether these are folks who like Korean pop music or people who work at the companies mentioned in the scandals but SOMETHING is wrong with that discussion to delete section.

– He felt that these weaknesses were not weaknesses of Confucianism; in his view, Song Confucianists interpreted the classic works of the Four Books and the Five Classics the wrong way.

– Three-fourths of participants gave the same, wrong answer as the confederates in at least one trial.

– They get on the wrong bus that takes them to a 90 degree degree cliff.

– It is POV is informed by experience with our project, but its focus draws attention to the wrong thing.

– It would thus not be wrong to say that Sir Sikandar’s presence would certainly have been a ‘moderating influence—and his death must be reckoned a great misfortune “.

– You might need to ask what the newcomer is trying to do, before telling him or her that they are doing something “the wrong way”.

– For example, Jesus said that it was wrong to make an oath.

wrong how to use in sentences
wrong how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “wrong”:

- Communism became less attractive when it became clear that it could promote economic growth less effectively than the capitalistic Western states and that it was not suited for a reform "The illusion that Communism was reformable, that Stalinism had been a wrong turning, a mistake that could still be corrected that illusion was crushed under the tanks on August 21st 1968 and it never recovered." Then the United States was the only superpower left.

- Obadiah refused, crying, "What have I done you wrong that you are handing your servant over to Ahab to be put to death?" and declaring how he had "hid a hundred of the Lord's prophets in two caves, fifty in each, and supplied them with food and water." and that if Ahab came and saw that Elijah was gone and not here, he would surely kill him.
- He had a superb technique, but he also had many memory lapses in concerts and occasionally left wrong notes on his records.

– Communism became less attractive when it became clear that it could promote economic growth less effectively than the capitalistic Western states and that it was not suited for a reform “The illusion that Communism was reformable, that Stalinism had been a wrong turning, a mistake that could still be corrected that illusion was crushed under the tanks on August 21st 1968 and it never recovered.” Then the United States was the only superpower left.

– Obadiah refused, crying, “What have I done you wrong that you are handing your servant over to Ahab to be put to death?” and declaring how he had “hid a hundred of the Lord’s prophets in two caves, fifty in each, and supplied them with food and water.” and that if Ahab came and saw that Elijah was gone and not here, he would surely kill him.

– He had a superb technique, but he also had many memory lapses in concerts and occasionally left wrong notes on his records.

– Data that is lost or released to the wrong people or that is not properly secured could lead to legal and ethical problems for the organisation.

– The United States Congress backed away from armed conflict when British diplomats showed that they felt they did nothing wrong in the matter.

– Examples were then found in other museums that had been given wrong names or identified incorrectly.

– But soon after Bella awakes in the middle of a dream crying; Edward asks whats wrong and instead of telling him she decices to show him and kisses him very passionately and Edward gives in.

– In the Old Testament the prophets had said that one day God would send his son to forgive people for the wrong things they had done and to salvationsave their souls.

– This is followed up by a that refers to “Murphy’s Law Book Two, Wrong Reasons Why Things Go More” in 1993.

– If a contestant chooses to play for $1,000 per letter without spinning and calls a wrong letter, or takes too long to call a letter, it will count as a Bankrupt.

– The Bible Retranslation project has come under criticism by people who feel it is wrong to change God’s word.

– Farr publicly acknowledged he was wrong in 1866, but Nightingale never really gave up the miasma idea.

– One of the people from Bleeding Kansas, John Brown John Brown, took over a town in Virginia in 1859 to make a point about slavery being wrong and to try to get slaves to fight their owners.

– They did everything wrong that they could possibly do.

More in-sentence examples of “wrong”:

- Every time the learner got a question wrong or failed to answer, the teacher had to press a switch to give the learner an electric shock.

- But it is absolutely wrong to invalidate Marathi references.
- Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.

– Every time the learner got a question wrong or failed to answer, the teacher had to press a switch to give the learner an electric shock.

– But it is absolutely wrong to invalidate Marathi references.

– Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.

– String theory says that this is wrong and that the simplest objects in the universe are shaped like pieces of string.

– Two sons of Aaron were destroyed for doing the work of the priest in the wrong way.

– This is because people wearing black bloc may do things that are considered wrong or illegal according to the people in power.

– In 1984, the “PG-13” rating was created after some parents were unhappy about some movies like Gremlins and Temple of Doom being rated PG and felt the content was given the wrong rating.

– They believe the original decision of “guilty” of killing Barry was wrong and want a new trial.

– Communism became less popular when it became clear that it could not promote economic growth as well as Western states and that it was not suited for a reform “The illusion that Communism was reformable, that Stalinism had been a wrong turning, a mistake that could still be corrected that illusion was crushed under the tanks on August 21, 1968 and it never recovered.” Then the United States was the only superpower left.

– A false version of the other side’s argument is proved wrong and it looks as if the real argument has been proved wrong.

– Each wrong guess removes a point.

– The more he finds on his father’s work, the more he realizes the consequences if it is used by the wrong people.

– The pact said that war was wrong and should be banned, but said nothing about what to do with a country that went to war anyway.

– I typed my username wrong when registering – I would like to change from Maksingunn to Maskingunn.

– While they may not be right, as long as they are not wrong it is not like we have a shortage of available space.

– Hello! My bot Gerakibot was blocked indefinitely in 2013 for putting some wrong interwiki.

– OK sir sorry for wrong editing on Sheen Das But accepted my request and I also promise you that I not doing this again.

– I would also like to say that I did not think that there was anything wrong with those two side notes that I posted on either of those 2 users’ talk pages at that time, but as time went on, and several more arguments broke out between both me and The Rambling Man, as well as me and Philosopher, all the while becoming more intense on my part with my vehemently declining that it was a mistake at that point in time, their hard work in trying to make me see that I made a mistake paid off for them and I finally admitted to making a mistake and then owning up to that mistake a day later, as well as apologizing to Giggy for the whole fiasco.

– The only thing that we did that looks like it could be wrong is that we pretended that a program like P exists in the first place.

– The grammar is wrong in places as well.

– It is also said that he is just saying what is wrong about politicians based on the popular opinions of the people and does not give any other ways things should be done.

– Instead she uses psychology to analyze parts of his history to give suggestions on what might be wrong with him.

– This number makes sure nobody other than the owner of the card can use it – if the wrong PIN is entered a certain number of times, the card is locked and cannot be used.

– A sequel to “Hotline Miami”, called “Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number” was released on March 10, 2015.

– An example that people use to prove this argument wrong is New Coke, because even though it was made later than the older Coca-Cola, most people who have tasted New Coke say it tasted worse than Coca-Cola.

– This means that the cards cannot be inserted into the cameras the wrong way.

– A nipple that is the wrong shape can sometimes get fixed.

– Because this is template is non-specific, it is helpful if you also include a note, so that other editors can see what exactly you think is wrong with the source.

– Ma’at as a principle was at least partially codified into a set of laws, and expressed a ubiquitous concept of right from wrong characterized by concepts of truth and a respect for and adherence to a divine order believed to be set forth at the time of the world’s creation.

– One of them kept going wrong in the same place, playing something that had happened earlier, so that they played the middle bit three times before eventually managing to finish the piece.

– A glitch is something that goes wrong in a computer system, usually in games.

– Another example of using wrong ideas about evolution to support bad things is “Social Darwinism”.

– Now I am certain that through both TRM and MTG’s replies to this RfA, that they were already personally biast towards me and are now trying to find every little thing that I do wrong to completely undermine all of the good that I have done for this site.

– On foreign affairs, McMahon said the Opposition leader, Gough Whitlam, was wrong to visit communist China in 1972 – but soon after U.S.

– In 2000, Russell’s first novel, “The Wrong Boy”, was published.

– Classification formalizes what constitutes a “state secret” and deals with different levels of protection based on the expected damage the information might cause if it reached the wrong hands.

– The festival became larger by connecting with the local cultural art community and listening to what people said was wrong and fixing it.

– Moondyne Joe did not rob anyone else, though he did do some wrong things and was sent back to jail a few more times.

– They try to pretend that nothing is wrong but end up having a tense argument about it.

– Moreover, he might usually trust his eyes, but this time ask himself if there might be something wrong with his vision.

– Next when he is told that he should not have co-nom’d he removes his support out of spite and strong opposes “I didn’t know yadda yadda” – This gives the strong impression there is something seriously wrong with BG7 that even his co-nominator changes to strong oppose.

– I had created it not realizing the page already existed under the wrong name.

– This was the first time that tanks had been used in World War I, but because they were only armed lightly and the mechanics of them often went wrong they did not make a great impact.

– Wutip made a turn to the west-northwest while rapidly weakening, due to the wrong conditions.

– I find it wrong that people at the ENWP are not allowing to defend himself at the EWAN against ridiculous accusations like those by PetraSchelm of having a pro-pedophilia account, or lies about his behavior.

– They accidentally gave the wrong ballots to township residents who didn’t actually live in Frederick.

– If something goes wrong the diver may not be able to cope with the problem.

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