“worm” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “worm”:

+ In the field of Quantum Mechanics physicists have produced tiny worm holes but we they don’t warp space time in the same way the “warp drive” concept does, rather they connect two separate points of spacetime through quantum entanglement.

+ The larva looks like a worm and eats and eats so that it can grow much bigger.

+ A worm is a type of animal that usually has no arms or legs and has a cylinder-like body.

+ Conficker was believed to be the worst computer worm since the SQL slammer worm in 2003.

+ That poem contained the lines “Let him meet the conqueror worm / With his good sword by his side”.

worm use in sentences
worm use in sentences

Example sentences of “worm”:

+ Two are for the harpoon weapons, two are for protecting the Myxospore, and two are for going into a worm after the weapons make a hole.

+ The user would then open the email and click on the attachment, running the worm and downloading it on to their computer.

+ The worm was written in Visual Basic, and used Microsoft Outlook to spread.

+ They range in length from less than 0.5 millimetres in the ‘giant’ species such as the Giant Gippsland Earthworm and the Mekong Worm “Amynthas mekongianus”.

+ The Wacky Worm is a children’s ride.

+ Knox replied, “…I am a worm of this earth, and yet a subject…but I am a watchman, both over the realm “.

+ The Sobig worm created over 1 million copies of itself for the rest of 2003.

+ The bacteria enter the mouth of a young tube worm, but when the worm gets older its mouth and gut seal up, trapping the bacteria forever.

+ The worm then spreads across the network, scanning for Siemens Step7 software on computers controlling a PLC.

+ The worm was reported to have interfered with 911 calls and was responsible for many canceled flights.

+ Write Once Read Many or WORM is a classification of computer storage media.

+ These latter appear to be chemoreceptors which help the worm seek out food.

+ God was not pleased with that so he first made a plant grow, and then sent a small worm to bite down the small gourd plant, which was Jonah’s only shade from the heat of the sun.

+ Two are for the harpoon weapons, two are for protecting the Myxospore, and two are for going into a worm after the weapons make a hole.

+ The user would then open the email and click on the attachment, running the worm and downloading it on to their computer.
+ The worm was written in Visual Basic, and used Microsoft Outlook to spread.

More in-sentence examples of “worm”:

+ It is a polychaete worm dwelling in a burrow on the ocean floor.

+ Earthworms have long, segmented bodies, covered in microscopic setae, or bristles, which help to anchor and pull the worm via longitudinal muscle contractions.

+ Over 1300 species have been described and many have a two-host life cycle, involving a fish and an annelid worm or bryozoan.

+ The worm also produces a Denial-of-Service attack on some websites and computers because it sends too much data.

+ The SQL worm mainly attacked computers that had Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft Desktop Engine 2000 on them.

+ CristTim Crist, the comedy musician behind Worm Quartet.

+ The procedure is well captured on YouTube, where the worm goes by the name of bobbit worm.

+ The worm provides the bacteria with hydrogen sulphide and oxygen.

+ In August 2003, two major worms named the Sobig worm and the Blaster worm began to attack millions of Microsoft Windows computers and caused many problems for system administrators and computer operators who used Windows 2000.

+ The Sobig worm is a large emailing worm that sent itself to any email addresses with file extensions like.dbx,.eml,.hlp,.htm,.html,.mht,.wab, and.txt.

+ In June 2002, Microsoft released a patch that fixed the weakness that the SQL worm attacked.

+ It infects both the fish and the worm by poking a hole in them and putting part of itself in.

+ In January 2003, the worm was released.

+ The worm had a shut off date set for September 10, 2003.

+ The microscope let Malpighi discover that the silk worm does not use lungs to breathe, but small holes in their skin called spiracles.

+ It also leads disease eradication efforts, spearheading the campaign to eradicate Guinea worm disease, as well as controlling and treating onchocerciasis, trachoma, lymphatic filariasis, and malaria through awareness campaigns.

+ Many worm species are so small that they can’t be seen with the human eye, while the bootlace worm has been known to grow up to nearly 60 meters.

+ Sea worm fossil gives clues to ‘common ancestor’.

+ During its lifetime in 2003, the SQL worm caused about 1 billion U.S Dollars in damage.

+ Every year on June 21, thousands of fishermen show up for the annual worm grunting festival.

+ Conficker is a computer worm that first showed up in October 2008.

+ The damage got worse, and on January 25, 2003, the worm cause a global internet slowdown.

+ This worm can reach up to 15 centimeters in length.

+ In that way, a Worm could start a program to send electronic mail, and send itself on to all the addresses in the address book of the email application.

+ Most earthworms can regrow lost segments, assuming the worm has not had too much damage.

+ They say this worm had only one opening in its body instead of both a mouth to take food in and an anus to let waste out like an earthworm.

+ It is a polychaete worm dwelling in a burrow on the ocean floor.

+ Earthworms have long, segmented bodies, covered in microscopic setae, or bristles, which help to anchor and pull the worm via longitudinal muscle contractions.
+ Over 1300 species have been described and many have a two-host life cycle, involving a fish and an annelid worm or bryozoan.

+ The worm was first found on August 18, 2003.

+ A tube worm is a worm-like sessile invertebrate which anchors its tail to an underwater surface.

+ He is best known for the research he did on the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans and he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2002 for “discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death”.

+ As sequencing of the worm genome proceeded, the project to sequence the human genome began.

+ Leeches are annelids, a kind of worm that lives in wet places.

+ The video camera on board the “Kaiko” probe spotted a sea cucumber, a Polynoidaescale worm and a shrimp at the bottom., “New Scientist”, 2 November 1996, “Time”, August 14, 1995 At the bottom of the Challenger deep, the “Nereus” probe spotted one polychaete worm about an inch long.

+ The Mongolian Death Worm is a strange snake-like animal that lives in the Gobi Desert.

+ When Junior, a worm who is eleven years old or twelve years old who is protected too much, accidentally goes up to the surface, he has to go back home, which could be dangerous for him.

+ The giant tube worm is an annelid.

+ At the height of the infection, the Sobig worm made up one in seventeen emails sent over the internet.

+ Geared machines use worm gears to control mechanical movement of elevator cars by “rolling” steel hoist ropes over a drive sheave which is attached to a gearbox driven by a high speed motor.

+ The nematode worm parasite “Cosmocerca parva” can infect this frog.

+ People who report seeing it say it is like a red, fat worm around 2 – 4 feet long.

+ Silk is a natural fibre made by the silk worm cocoon.

+ Ronald Worm is a former German football player.

+ Silk that is made by the silk worm is made up of two main proteins, sericin and fibroin.

+ Although such wood is very dry, it is not necessarily the best since it may be infected with wood worm or be of a bad quality or type.

+ The worm had spread malware that encrypted the user’s computer data i.e.

+ The worm often used an email that includes “Re:” to seem as if people were being replied to from someone.

+ A very famous worm that appeared in 2000 was called ILOVEYOU, it sent a simple mail with the subject ILOVEYOU, and an attachment of a document that contained the worm code.

+ The lugworm, also known as the sandworm, is a large oceanmarine worm of the phylum Annelida.

+ Brimelow wrote a book called The Worm in the Apple in which he criticizes teachers’ unions.

+ The worm grunting capital of the world is Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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