“woke” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “woke”:

+ He woke up in the morning as usual and he did not know what he had written the day before.

+ Then “Flip” always woke him up.

+ The success of bands like the Rolling Stones woke the interest of many white young people in the USA in blues music.

+ When he woke up his voice stayed normal.

+ They woke people up in the mornings by playing music in the streets.

+ When he woke up the next morning, Oates walked out of the tent into a blizzard and temperatures to his death.

+ He never woke up again.

+ After she slept for three days and woke up renewed, she didn’t want to eat human flesh any more and became a new goddess, Hathor.

woke how to use in sentences
woke how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “woke”:

+ When I woke up this morning, my site was deleted by a bot due to this link to a blog.

+ In 1987 after struggling with substance abuse, Sixx was legally dead for two minutes of a heroin overdose, luckily the paramedic was a Motley Crue fan, and shot him with adrenaline twice before Sixx woke up, only to shoot up once again a day later.

+ Then all kind of creatures in Australia – birds, lizards, snakes, kangaroos, koalas, and dingoes – woke up and took their places on the earth.

+ At 1.55a.m., the captain woke Robert up and asked Robert to take his place.

+ When he woke up from such a sleep he found that his hair and fingernails had been cut.

+ When he was on the “Parkwood”, he woke up, but was delirious.

+ Scotty woke up and found the bottle.

+ Fry who woke up in a cryochamber from a thousand years ago.

+ Elijah ate and drank and lay down again, and the angel came back again and woke him, and gave him more food.

+ When Sixx woke up with a puddle of blood in his palm, he went to rehab with Motley Crue.

+ When I woke up this morning, my site was deleted by a bot due to this link to a blog.

+ In 1987 after struggling with substance abuse, Sixx was legally dead for two minutes of a heroin overdose, luckily the paramedic was a Motley Crue fan, and shot him with adrenaline twice before Sixx woke up, only to shoot up once again a day later.

+ He woke up and tried without success to break free from the ropes he was tied down with.

+ When she woke up, Hermes had crawled away to Thessaly and had invented the lyre and stole some of ApolloApollo’s cattle.

+ Cayce was able to talk while in a hypnotic trance but when he woke up he could not talk.

+ Fry realized that he woke up on the future.

+ Siegfied braved the fire, woke her, and fell in love with her.

+ Eventually, he woke up, but three years later, he went back into a coma.

+ But before the referee woke up Cena got up and hit his finisher, the Attitude Adjustment, to pin JBL and keep his championship.

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