“whether” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “whether”:

+ A subject of much interest and debate among viewers is the question of whether Xena and Gabrielle are lovers.

+ He said to Nikolay Krestinsky in June 1925, as recorded in his diary: “I had said I would not come to conclude a treaty with Russia so long as our political situation in the other direction was not cleared up, as I wanted to answer the question whether we had a treaty with Russia in the negative”.

+ Other studies in France and China seemed to show hydroxychloroquine helped, but the studies did not include control groups, meaning the doctors did not compare patients who took hydroxychloroquine to patients who did not, so they could not be sure it was the hydroxychloroquine that was helping them or whether it was something else.

+ Scientists do not agree on whether SSRIs work for mild depression that does not last very long.

+ Arronax wonders whether Captain Nemo got out of the Maelstrom safely.

+ Depending on whether this article understands what is considered in the public domain, TDM will potentially increase or decrease copyright restrictions compared to if this article is not approved.

+ This discussion is about whether or not we should elect some local oversighters.

whether - sentence examples
whether – sentence examples

Example sentences of “whether”:

+ Lastly, it is usual for alphanumeric codes to be “case insensitive”, which means it does not matter whether you write them in upper case.

+ The proclamation raised an immediate question of whether the action by the secedeseceding states was a rebellion or a war.

+ Before this, any time an African American was charged with a crime, the jury that decided whether they were guilty would be all-white.

+ Comment The question of whether lists should be GA or not may be a separate question.

+ Scientists say a species is data deficient when there is not enough information to figure out how many of them there are and whether they are endangered.

+ There is also some argument as to the religion of the Karlal, as whether they were Hindu or not.

+ The decision whether a person is a refugee or not is most often left to certain government agencies with the host country.

+ Danish citizenship is granted to anyone who has one parent of Danish citizenship, whether the child is born in or outside of Denmark.

+ Being members of a league at a particular level also change whether a team can play certain competitions.

+ There are records that he was born in Breda, Netherlands, but it is uncertain whether the NetherlandsDutch town of Breda or the Belgian town of Bree, called Breda in Latin, is meant.

+ Sometimes, a jury is brought in to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

+ The purpose is to make it easy to see whether your cursor is inside or outside the link.

+ In the Eastern Orthodox Church a saint is defined as anyone who is in Heaven, whether recognized here on earth, or not.

+ They do not know whether he was poisoned or whether he was using the chemical as medicine.

+ Here the rising pitch on “street” indicates that the question hinges on that word, on where he found it, not whether he found it.

+ I wondered whether contributors on these pages have any particular criteria in mind when writing Simple English.

+ Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 2003, but had no practical effect on Hilary, who was by then 21 and could choose for herself whether or not to see her father.

+ Yet, there is no information whether S3 Graphics will continue to increase their efforts in GPU computing.

+ The legislature is the branch of government that writes laws, and votes on whether they will be approved.

+ A major question has been whether many of its foundational ideologies, principally national independence, territorial integrity, and the struggle against colonialism and imperialism, can be applied to contemporary issues.

+ Lastly, it is usual for alphanumeric codes to be "case insensitive", which means it does not matter whether you write them in upper case.

+ The proclamation raised an immediate question of whether the action by the secedeseceding states was a rebellion or a war.

More in-sentence examples of “whether”:

+ If used, these two items will be displayed whether or not the option is specified.

+ Some of these places can only be reached by ferry, because they have no roadroads or railways with bridge or tunnels that join them to nearby places, nor do they have any locations at which to land airplanes, whether it is an airport or only an airfield.

+ This is where the code decides whether Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Ascension Island will be given one or several links for the topic in question.

+ It also depends on whether inflation is expected or not.

+ Pompey’s allies disagreed with Pompey over whether to fight at Pharsalus.

+ A munchkin cat can range from a wide range of prices depending on factors like gender or the cats color, whether they are a purebred seller or a private seller.

+ It is still unclear whether UK citizens will continue to enjoy EU citizenships after Brexit.

+ The government decided to hold a referendum and ask the people whether they wanted to start their own country, and 68% said yes.

+ If there is a dispute between editors over whether this parameter should be used in the article, it should be brought up on the article’s talk page.

+ I am sorry to be so rude and/or blunt, but it is pathetic that people ponder over whether something is notablewhen we’re trying to build an encyclopædia here, and only in special cases should we delete articles.

+ He said, sarcastically, that a patron was someone who stands on the river bank watching a man drowning and then, when then the drowning man is saved, asks him whether he can help.

+ Discussing whether his character could ever find a soulmate, John Barrowman refutes that Jack “likes everybody, and his love for each person is different”.

+ It is disputed whether of not his union succeeded.

+ Children and teenagers now bring homework home and their grades rise or fall depending on whether they finish it or not.

+ Because the cell organelles of eukaryotes have different origins, the question arises as to whether the group is a unified clade or not.

+ By doing so, the Constitution gives Congress the power to meet, whether or not the President called it into session.

+ Super-stare decisis is a term used for important precedent that is resistant or immune from being overturned, without regard to whether correctly decided in the first place.

+ For example, if y represents whether a sports team wins a match, then y will be 1 if they win the match or y will be 0 if they do not.

+ After they ask her whether she actually has been to Egypt, she answers that she has and that in Farthest India, the people have an even stranger way of walking: they walk on their hands.

+ There is a template that will use different text based on whether a specified date has passed, but some movies don’t get released on the date originally expected.

+ There are different opinions about whether the radiation of the remaining neognathes occurred before or after the extinction of the other dinosaurs.

+ The best photos that came back from Voyager 2 showed that there are clumps of particles in the rings, but no-one can tell whether they are made of fine dust, or if there may be bigger particles in the clumps as well.

+ A warranty is violated when the promise is broken; when goods are not as should be expected, at the time the sale occurs, whether or not the defect is apparent.

+ Nature’s Gentleman, whether European-born or exotic, takes his place among these tropes, along with the Wise Egyptian, Persian, and Chinaman.

+ If used, these two items will be displayed whether or not the option is specified.

+ Some of these places can only be reached by ferry, because they have no roadroads or railways with bridge or tunnels that join them to nearby places, nor do they have any locations at which to land airplanes, whether it is an airport or only an airfield.
+ This is where the code decides whether Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Ascension Island will be given one or several links for the topic in question.

+ In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service can sue companies that lie about whether their employees really are independent contractors.

+ He would like me to bring it over here for the community to decide whether the redirects are appropriate.

+ Scientists don’t know whether the Xuan Khanh lake turtle is male or female.

+ In the Kansas-Nebraska Act, it said that people living in the territories could vote on whether or not to have slavery.

+ It doesn’t matter whether a programming language is considered easy to learn or not.

+ Death penalty debaters argue about whether capital punishment is “cruel and unusual punishment”.

+ I once asked him whether or not he saw the need to undo an anon’s edit which replaced “Jesus is considered by Christians to be the Son of God.” with “Jesus is the Son of God and Saviour of mankind.” He said he had no problem with reverting it because the second sentence was a POV push.

+ The ambiguity as to whether or not latent memories of the “old self” are still present in the ghola’s mind is a long-drawn debate throughout the story.

+ In simple terms, if there is a shopping bag, decidability is that one is able to check whether or not there is some salad in the bag.

+ Instead, it reads like a CV and highly promotional, so I’d like to open a discussion on whether it should be kept or not.

+ A note to everyone: no matter of whether you think Razorflame should become an admin, please stay civil, and remembers, there is a human at the other end of the line.

+ In such a situation, the sign says whether the angle is in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

+ They then carry out an experiment or collect other types of information that will tell them whether their predictions were right or wrong.

+ If the title should be italicized, based on whether the page title matches the name of the taxon and the taxon’s rank is genus or below, it will be added automatically.

+ Part of the debate is whether “brown dwarfs” must, by definition, have had nuclear fusion at some point in their history.

+ Some disagreements a court may decide are whether a person is guilty of a crime, who is the legal owner of property, or who the children of two divorced parents should live with.

+ There is no sign for the sostenuto pedal, so it is up to the pianist on whether to use it in a specific piece of music.

+ If image size parameters are omitted, this template sets all images at 200px wide, regardless of whether the reader has set a preference for some other default image width.

+ When Alyosha exclaims, “But…you asked whether there was in the world ‘a single creature who could forgive’.

+ It is not clear whether the character alone is notable.

+ The following six individuals were originally cited to have begun undergoing vetting by the Biden campaign in May or June 2020, but it is uncertain whether they have moved on to further stages in subsequent months or not.

+ For a time people wondered whether the festival would continue.

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