“whatever” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “whatever”:

– QD or whatever as needed, please.

– He began to feel that whatever he said was right.

– Please take whatever action is appropriate.

– If after 6 offers, the player says “no deal”, they win whatever is in their box.

– The band was assembled by Rich Ward from whatever musicians that he could find in a given week.

whatever how to use in sentences
whatever how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “whatever”:

– So modern dancers often dance barefoot and choose whatever they want to wear.

– Players could explore and go to all of the areas in whatever order they wished.

– In the case of times into years, days, hours, etc.; whatever is most appropriate for the duration being described.

– There, Snape agrees and says he will help Malfoy complete whatever his mission is.

– During their nightmares, Freddy would be there and he would kill them in their dreams, and whatever Freddy did in the dream would happen in real life.

– Please restore it back inside my own talk:page or in a sub-page whatever fits you better.

– For instance, a child who is large for his age may easily learn that he can take by force whatever he wants from other children his age.

– It is purely an honour for whatever good work he or she has already done.

– After each set of stimulation, the clinician instructs the client to let his/her mind go blank and to notice whatever thought, feeling, image, memory, or sensation comes to mind.  Depending upon the client’s report, the clinician will choose the next focus of attention.  These repeated sets with directed focused attention occur numerous times throughout the session.  If the client becomes distressed or has difficulty in progressing, the therapist follows established procedures to help the client get back on track.

– The second unnamed parameter replaces “in real life” with whatever is put.

– Why has he not continued his scorned upon actions during this year? Surely he has access to other IPs or whatever is needed to circumvent the banning procedures of this site.

– The public could choose whomever or whatever it liked.

– They did penance, like cutting themselves and letting blood run out, to try to get the gods to forgive them for whatever they might have done wrong.

– We want all contributors to be able to talk to each other on the wikis, whatever their experience, their skills or their devices.

– So, whatever good or bad occurs to an individual, both are from God and both should be accepted by the individual.

– Spin, whatever it is, seems to follow some of the laws of angular momentum, but not all of them.

– The writer does not need to pay attention to spelling or grammar and writes whatever comes to mind.

– This is usually whatever is most popular at the moment.

- So modern dancers often dance barefoot and choose whatever they want to wear.

- Players could explore and go to all of the areas in whatever order they wished.

More in-sentence examples of “whatever”:

– Lucilla’s thirteenth birthday was in March 163; whatever the date of her marriage, she was not yet fifteen.

– The period parameter is freeform, so you can use whatever format you like.

– The American researcher James Scanlan says that when people do whatever benefits themselves it is only a fake kind of egoism.

– Wishing someone a Happy Whatever is a violation of WP:NOTWP:SOAPBOX and technically WP:MYSPACE in that its a social thing not related to the building of an encyclopedia.

– Germanicus rallied the mutineers and led them on a short campaign across the Rhine into Germanic territory, stating that whatever treasure they could grab would count as their bonus.

– This “discussion”/”vote”/”argument” or whatever you want to call it is nothing but destructive to the community.

– Adult bass will eat whatever is available, including fish, crabs, frogs, salamanders, snakes, mice, turtles, and even birds.

– This means that without the liquid crystals between them, they would block all light from passing through – whatever light gets through the first filter will not fit through the second filter.

– They also hid information from the authorities, and did whatever else they could do to protect him.

– The viola d’amore was often tuned to whatever notes were best for the piece it was to going to play.

– A return type is a required part of any method, because it tells the computer what the user wants to be returned to whatever called the method.

– The symmetry of the Rubik’s cube is that it stays solvable whatever moves we make, as long as we don’t take apart the cube.

– These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.

– You can have these buttons say whatever you want.

– The band lip-synched to recordings on camera, and also filmed unrelated scenes, in random places with whatever objects were there.

– I think that it’s because there’s been word spread around on EN that Simple is just a place where people blocked on EN can go and do whatever they want.

– On the landing page, you should be editing a template corresponding to whatever taxon is at the end of the page’s title.

– Into the “fossa” was dumped large amounts of rubble, gravel and stone, whatever fill was available.

– In addition, the client identifies a positive belief.  The therapist helps the client rate the positive belief as well as the intensity of the negative emotions.  After this, the client is instructed to focus on the image, negative thought, and body sensations while simultaneously engaging in EMDR processing using sets of bilateral stimulation.  These sets may include eye movements, taps, or tones.  The type and length of these sets is different for each client.  At this point, the EMDR client is instructed to just notice whatever spontaneously happens.

– During therapy sessions, Freud would ask his patients to talk about whatever would first come to their mind, usually their responses directly related to a dream.

– Technique is the physical ability to perform whatever steps a dance may need.

– And that real egoism is when people do whatever they want.

– He knew he could do whatever he liked but he had respect for the other designers, especially Bramante.

– Making a measurement intended to get a definite indication of a particle’s location will inevitably influence its momentum and whatever is done to measure that momentum as soon as possible after measuring its position, the probabilities of what momentum will be discovered cannot fail to have been changed.

– These activities can provide sexual pleasure to a partner when penetrative intercourse is not possible or desirable for whatever reason.

– For example, when you see a ball roll down a street, you can tell the ball is moving because the frame of reference is the streets, whatever may be on the side of the roads, or the Earth.

- Lucilla's thirteenth birthday was in March 163; whatever the date of her marriage, she was not yet fifteen.

- The period parameter is freeform, so you can use whatever format you like.

– So let’s hear your brilliant explanation, cause whatever side of the street you choose to walk here, sets you up for failure.

– The simple principle of tantra yoga is: whatever can take you down can also take you up.

– Later on, experts created a translator that allowed Ebert to speak whatever he typed.

– Distant governors did whatever they wanted and made their own laws instead of obeying the Sultan.

– To do a silent barter, one group of traders would go to a certain place, leaving whatever they are offering to trade.

– Maybe whatever was causing it got resolved.

– How controversial is the statement being made? How prominent are alternative views? How relevant would introducing the controversy be to the progression of this specific article relevant enough to be worth whatever strain on the narrative that will result? These are the important questions to be asking when dealing with citation issues.

– The key exchange problem is how to exchange whatever keys or other information needed so, in such a way, that no one else can obtain a copy.

– I’m not a big fan of filling CU requests on behalf on IP adresses nor do i know if the admins here are aware of whatever is going on.

– In Nigeria, however, there is no ceremony and the women who sell Akara wear whatever they like.

– Would it be possible for you to give me some guidance on this as well as to allow Auntof6 to repost the page as a draft so I can make whatever changes necessary? Thank you for your help..I am a newbie on here and very much appreciate your help, as I have others I would like to document who I believe have no pages and who are making substantial contributions to the world.

– Both words mean “the.” If a sun letter comes after the consonant, the “l” sound in “al” or “il” is dropped and is replaced by whatever sound the letter makes.

– It means its body is not specialized, and is relatively unchanged from whatever was the ancestral group.

– The neuron does this by applying a simple mathematical operation to the input – it adds whatever values it has been given together, and then adds its own hidden value, which is called a ‘bias’.

– If we take a Rubik’s cube and scrambled it by making whatever moves we want, it is still possible to solve it.

– A vacation is a time for people to relax and take a break from whatever they usually do.

– Try to choose whatever seems to be the most specific information.

– These instructions are set up in the order the code should be added to whatever page you are putting it on, so you can just go through it one step at a time.

– Due to the odd number of cylinders in each bank, V6 designs are unbalanced, whatever V-angle they use.

– Rejection of and opposition to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.

– It then prints “Hello “, replacing with whatever the person typed in.

– They knew that they “couldn’t top Reign in Blood”, and that whatever they recorded would be “compared to that album”, he believed they “had to slow down”, something the band had never done on albums before, or since.

– As you read this, there is probably at least one garter slithering in the nature-filled area behind you, whatever that may be.

– By this interpretation, whatever interacts with the field joins the field’s state that is “relative” to the observer’s state—itself a waveform in its own quantum field—while the two simply interact in a universal waveform never collapsing.

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