“what is called” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “what is called”:

– Each particle has what is called an antiparticle.

– All writings were done in what is called the hieratic script.

– They hatch a few days later into what is called an ‘actinotrocha’ larvae.

– In 1929 Hubble formulated what is called Hubble’s law.

– Then he began experimenting with what is called the twelve-tone system.

– The disk is attached to the computer by what is called an I/O interface.

what is called in sentences?
what is called in sentences?

Example sentences of “what is called”:

– Sometimes, it is taped on Monday nights before or after “RAW” in what is called a “Supershow”.

– Today the Chinese government is still ruled by the Communist Party, but they actually have what is called a mixed economy.

– Many polonaises are composed in what is called ternary form, or song form, or minuet and trio.

– For older teens and adults, masturbation usually ends in what is called an ejaculation.

– Some insects have what is called ‘incomplete metamorphosis’.

– The XOR gate does what is called an exclusive disjunction in logic.

- Sometimes, it is taped on Monday nights before or after "RAW" in what is called a "Supershow".

- Today the Chinese government is still ruled by the Communist Party, but they actually have what is called a mixed economy.

– It was what is called a subrange, or a smaller mountain range inside of a larger one.

– They are what is called a subrange, or a smaller mountain range inside of a larger one.

– Using X-ray crystallography results from Maurice Wilkins’ biophysics team at King’s College London, Crick and James Watson discovered that DNA has what is called a “double helix structure”.

– When a mass moves in an orbit, when it rotates around some kind of a hub, it has what is called “angular momentum.” Angular momentum is the way that something like a merry-go-round will continue to rotate after people have stopped pushing it.

More in-sentence examples of “what is called”:

- Later in their life cycle, cyclones form what is called an occluded front.

- These hooks make up what is called the cremaster.
- In 1689, the NetherlandsDutch Protestant William of Orange, replaced the Catholic King James II in what is called the Glorious Revolution.

– Later in their life cycle, cyclones form what is called an occluded front.

– These hooks make up what is called the cremaster.

– In 1689, the NetherlandsDutch Protestant William of Orange, replaced the Catholic King James II in what is called the Glorious Revolution.

– Usually the right-wing thinks of society as similar to a living thing, what is called “organic society”.

– He also wrote pieces that used what is called a phasing technique.

– Southeast Alaska is a rain forest within what is called the “Pacific temperate rain forest zone”.

– Then he changed his style and wrote in what is called a “neo-classical” way.

– Goodbye!” and must walk off the stage in what is called the “Walk of shame.” In the event of a tie, the strongest link has the final decision about who is eliminated.

– This can form what is called a “feedback loop”.

– Such computer programs rely on what is called artificial intelligence.

– In what is called the Holocaust, the Nazis killed six million Jews, Roma people, Homosexualityhomosexuals, many other groups of people.

– This is an example of what is called in German a “Bildungsroman” which means something like “Education novel”.

– DNA and histones make up what is called chromatin.

– Over time, as the series went on and more and more stories were written, it developed into what is called the “Buffyverse”.

– Some elements, and many isotopes, have what is called an “unstable nucleus”.

– The electrons move around the nucleus very quickly, making what is called an electron cloud.

– People who are entering the Order have to go through what is called an Ordeal.

– It is thought by some to mark the southern boundary of what is called the Mississippi Delta, which was cultivated for cotton plantations before the American Civil War.

– Somebody with vehicle insurance would pay what is called a “premium”.

– It was probably what is called native copper, which is sometimes found in large lumps on the ground.

– It tries to explain what is called the synoptic problem in ChristianityChristian theology.

– Unlike professional soccer leagues in most of the rest of the world, the A-League has what is called a “franchise” system—the same teams play in the league each year, unless a team drops out of the league on its own, or the league decides to add one or more new teams.

– This is what is called learning.

– Currently it is considered the most advanced country from what is called “Ex-Yugoslavia.” It is also a member of the European Union.

– The VA is in what is called London’s “Albertopolis”, an area of immense cultural, scientific and educational importance.

– During the species specific breeding period, new reproductives, winged males and females leave the colony in what is called a “nuptial flight”.

– The rivers Euphrates and Tigris bound what is called the Fertile Crescent.

– Assembly language provides what is called an abstraction of machine code.

– The users can easily update pictures, videos clips, and blogs and share them with other users through what is called “minihompy.” It is similar to that of Facebook or Myspace in U.S.

– These movements developed into what is called Unitarianism today.

– After talking to others on IRC I think this would be best done from the Toolserver on what is called a Multi Maintainer Project where we would be able to add and remove users and never have to worry about one user retiring or leaving and losing important tools such as this.

– Because mollusks have so many different shapes, many textbooks start the subject of molluscan anatomy by describing what is called an “archi-mollusc”, “hypothetical generalized mollusc”, or “hypothetical ancestral mollusc” to illustrate the most common features in the phylum.

– Preventing crashes is done by what is called “separation”.

– But many alcoholics have what is called Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

– They are using what is called a vulnerability index system.

– In most cases, logic programming uses what is called negation as failure or “weak negation:” This means that if it is not possible to derive some clause from the facts and rules, the system will assume that its negation is true.

– In 1890, Percy John Heawood created what is called Heawood conjecture today: It asks the same question as the four color theorem, but for any topological object.

– At first there was a war between the armies of the North and South in what is called the Korean War, but while the fighting stopped in 1953, the war never officially ended.

– In the Nixon years, there was a shift to appeal to the implicit racial biases of white voters that did not like the civil rights movement of the 1960’s in what is called The Southern Strategy.

– The team also gets a chance to score 1 or 2 more points in what is called an extra point.

– By adding Avogadro’s law to the combined gas law, we get what is called the ideal gas law.

– The energy makes the material go into what is called an excited state.

– This may indeed play a part, but primarily the cause of fatigue is what is called ‘metabolic fatigue’, such as the shortage of fuel within the muscles.

– For example, people who use what is called General American English or BBC English might say, “I didn’t do anything”, while someone who speaks what is called African American Vernacular English might say, “I didn’t do nothing”.

– As for the your second and thirds point, I never said they were part of the Commonwealth, but that they are using what is called Commonwealth English.

– When this happens, the stars will take turns passing in front of and eclipsing the partner star, in what is called an “eclipsing binary”.

– Even as the ice melted in summer, some of the ice remained, and blocked what is called the Northeast Passage.

– The Zou tribe generally follows what is called as “Patrilineal cross-cousin’s marriage” which is their first choice known as Neita.

– If the behaviour is complex, the stimulus is called a releaser, and the behaviour which follows may involve the whole animal for a long time in what is called a fixed action pattern.

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